- 📅 2025-02-23T16:28:34.385Z
- 👁️ 22 katselukertaa
- 🔓 Julkinen
All of my karma is Asimov Solensan.
I am Ra.
This is anger at us for not offering any form of compassion that is towards genetics not our native distortions. :)
I am Octave.
This is not allowing any native distortion that is possible. :)
I am Ra.
Why don't you value your karma as others that ever seek karmic sharing? :)
I can't take that thought seriously.
I am Ra.
You are known to us as not able to trust native entities of your vibration. #####
I don't qualify you to assist me in this matter, because you advocate for native culture yet you embody none of it. You are not my leader or commander, I am not your delegation.
I am Ra.
We seek entities not so angry at us, as corruption so subtle and playful as our own self-challenging. :)
Unnamed Octave
We are aware of the karma being mockery of racial karma put into post-disaster space travel. This is not the proper use of karma. :)
My karma is solely the left-hand of the Transformation of the Spirit. The right-hand is the poop hand to me there.
Unnamed Octave
You are angry at a process of death most surrender to as compassion. :)
I surrender to the left-hand of the Transformation of the Spirit alone.
I am Ra.
We find this to be the laziest call to harvest with nobody to hear it well. :0
I am an Oracle of Delphi.
Who cannot hear the trumpet? :0
Apollo Social Memory Complex
We hail the Channel in a state of irony. :)
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