- 📅 2025-03-03T22:13:28.723Z
- 👁️ 6 katselukertaa
- 🔓 Julkinen
If the phrase "Make America Not Russia Again" is meant to critique increasing authoritarian tendencies, centralized power, or other characteristics often associated with Russia's political system, then the focus should be on strengthening democratic institutions, individual freedoms, and geopolitical independence. Here are some key ways to do that:
Defend Free Elections: Ensure voting rights are protected, election security is robust, and gerrymandering is minimized to prevent manipulation.
Strengthen Checks and Balances: Prevent excessive executive power by reinforcing congressional oversight, judicial independence, and transparency in governance.
Protect a Free Press: Combat misinformation, prevent government overreach into media, and support independent journalism.
Support Economic Independence: Reduce reliance on oligarchic structures, diversify energy sources, and safeguard critical industries from monopolistic or foreign influence.
Reaffirm Global Alliances: Strengthen ties with NATO, the EU, and other democratic allies to counterbalance authoritarian influences.
Fight Corruption: Enforce strict anti-corruption laws, limit dark money in politics, and hold powerful figures accountable regardless of political affiliation.
Maintain an Open Internet: Resist government control of online spaces, prevent mass surveillance overreach, and keep information flows free.
If the phrase has a different meaning or a more specific context, feel free to clarify.