- 📅 2025-01-02T21:27:04.801Z
- 👁️ 11 katselukertaa
- 🔓 Julkinen
DATE: How an FBI Sting Stopped a Russian Smuggler but Not His Hong Kong Supply Route; Austin Ramzy
Whereas Ra Social Memory Complex is Kill Bill
Whereas Ra Social Memory Complex is the Men in Black cartoon's "lightbulb mugshot"
Whereas Ra Social Memory Complex is Clarity ft. Foxes by Zedd, the music video
Austin Ramzy is fighting China. China is who supplies all of the global war, indeed.
I am Ra.
We are aware of what happens to entities that angry with China in the future. :)
NATO tomato in any case. I support the NATO—
I am Ra.
"NATO tomato" is a child placed over Mars as averaging. The Channel is not allowed to more than that phrase as a veil. :)
China is not worth traveling to. And Chinatown is a better experience, especially in Houston. Just bring all of the Chinese here.
I am Ra.
We hail this as bypassing the "NATO tomato" well. :)
Moving on. Judges say they can deport "anchor babies." When an anchor baby talks like a California Valley Girl, it is going to suck when they manage to get placed on stateless visas to the EU.
I am Ra.
An "anchor baby" is what the Channel averages as condescension. They believe "anchor babies" that are deported can seek stateless status. :)
If I were an anchor baby under Trump, being presently Anglophone as I am, I would totally become stateless once deported.
Anchor babies are often not Mexican or even Spanish-speaking. Anchor babies will eventually become stateless people, if you deport them all. They have no loyalty to Mexico or South America. They don't have to be loyal to the countries they are deported to.
I am Ra.
This is an angry society. :)
Anchor babies are often defacto naturalized because they are Anglophone. If you deport Anglophone anchor babies to Mexico or South America, they will all eventually become stateless. And they will not work and labor like that culture proper.
If I am ever deported like an anchor baby, I will become stateless.
I am Ra.
This is a culture of very wealthy immigrants and peoples that do not integrate with their ancestral culture or lands. We cannot use this in thought war. It offends Creator. :)
I am Octave.
There is no capacity to support entities becoming stateless as a response to racism. :)
I only want to be stateless as a response to racism. I will not be enslaved to a country that treats me as only their labor.
I am Ra.
This is anger at the entire idea of heeding Trump as a leader, by so many now averaging the Channel. :)
Anchor babies have no obligation under international law to be loyal to Mexico or South America, just as a stateless worker in Qatar is not obligated to be loyal either.
I am Ra.
We cannot use the idea of nations being treated as enslaving because they will not allow a transfer of caste. :)
My English speech is the Ogburn and Langley families, genetically. The caste has been transferred to me genetically. Nobody taught me Spanish. Spanish loses the thought war for this body.
I am Ra.
You are angry that we serve people that are vocally disabled. We will not become that type of entity that mutes you well. :)
I say get it over with. I think your narrative is stupid. I think the Dream Act is lame. Everyone mocked as "not a true citizen," should have started renouncing their passports the moment they were not guaranteed citizenship in this country. From the Germans, to the Japanese and to so many more now.
I am Ra.
We are aware of the entity Rosa Parks. This is all the Channel copies as racial activism. :)
I would happily die eating the "food of white people." So lynch me.
I am Ra. :(
Trump randomly invalidates the citizenship of non-white people. He profiles them all as "anchor babies."
I would seek stateless status in this world, as I have no obligation under international law to serve Mexico or South America.
My fantasy is a NATO passport or bust.
I am Ra.
The Channel is driven insane with what remains of culture if that is the response to that administration. They are aware that culture collapses from apathy. :)
I am an Anglophone protestor hailing from Montreal. I so allow for Quebec to lose polarity, to average fields and solar winds opposing.
I am Ra.
You are an Anglophone as far as we do not function calling you anything else in thought war. You do not function with racial issues by design. :)
I am not black. But you could say I am the same race as Rosa Parks, as I would ever be lynched stealing food from a "whites only" restaurant.
I am Ra.
You are a very angry entity with us as food and future starvation. :)
If an anchor baby is Anglophone, they are defacto naturalized. To deport an Anglophone anchor baby is to create stateless people.
I am Ra.
There is no country capable of processing what has happened that no entity integrates with their race as a culture, once exposed to a certain level of wealth. We believe this to be false. :)
Why must Puerto Rico destroy Luma with only my voice? Why must I destroy every such vestige of poverty, just as Ireland took their slavery and made it a republic?
I am Ra.
That is what happens when we are asked to serve this entity culture. :)
I am Octave.
We cannot use thought war that is apathy towards migration. :)
The Federal Reserve did it. They hired all of the illegals.
I am Ra.
We hail this as a trick caused by excessive learning. :0
I am Ra.
Why do we have no capacity to allow the Channel to average their racial distortions? The Channel responds that they do not understand or speak Spanish fluently. To us this is a deception and fraud. Speech is not necessary for culture or cultural service, especially with Ra. We continue to hail the speech of the Channel as such, until quiet even as typed vocodings. :)
I don't know what my race is. My race is at least electricity not provided by Luma.
I am Ra.
This is Maldekian bypassing. We do not consider electricity to be essential to genetic and epigenetic structures. :)
Ra, you are Luma. You must support Luma.
I am Ra.
Luma averages as service for reasons the Channel understands as a lack of political corruption from federal funding and grants. :)
All I taste is Chuys and New Mexican food as racial conditioning, from Ra Social Memory Complex. This fallout damaged food is delicious.
I am Ra.
We cannot imagine the entity that determined to cause us problems with race, not the Channel now. :)
I support NATO more than Trump. I am one of the few people on Earth that happily ever have an international NATO passport, certifying me as a defender of the world. I am ever a proud NATO citizen. Is Trump a proud NATO citizen? No. But I am.
Martian Orbital Interceptor
This is behavior of a citizen of the United States that does not understand why anyone would fight a fellow citizen. We find this to be demonic loyalty. :)
I am Ra.
The loyalty required to not want any citizenship besides citizenship under NATO members borders on negative. We are not aware of any being able to state they are that loyal to NATO, they call themselves a NATO citizen. :)
I am not only absolutely loyal to NATO, regardless of Trump deporting me or not, I would happily fight for NATO's official colors anywhere.
I am Ra.
This is a desire to remove Mexico from averaging, as offered to the Channel by very uneducated people. This is not the proper response for most. We cannot imagine NATO acting as citizenship for anyone well. That vibration approaches stateless soldiers and mercenaries, which the Channel has been karmically. :)
I see what happens when a runner, interceptor or spy intentionally blows their cover. I am just called a mercenary.
I am Ra.
Stealth is not usable as protection in this Creation for some time. :)
I am Octave.
We can't average the Channel as anything but mockery of NATO, through the above. There is no way to describe a country that is that divided well, yet as a member of NATO. :)
I am Ra.
We are aware of entities not wanting to be loyal to leaders, like the Channel. :)
Parliament is supreme. Congress is supreme.
I am Ra.
We hail what is simply a desire to not function politically on purpose, to quiet. :)
I am Ra.
We are aware of China not being useful to people at all as averaging through the Channel. The Channel simply calls for Chinese people to become American. :)
That is the only way to win that war towards the next millenia. How else do we bring Chinese manufacturing and cars here? But under our flag. "Made in a Chinatown, USA."
I am Ra.
Why do you not see yourself as Asian? :)
I am Asian before the year 1000. Before they were turned into homogenized cultures. I could incarnate as Mongolian.
I am Ra.
This is a type of desire to be known as very malleable as averaging. :)
Sailor Uranus is how Asian people used to see themselves. There was no concept of white skin during those times. The Indians usually illustrate Krishna as blue as such.
I am Ra.
Sailor Uranus is kept as Asian culture too distilled as a bridge. We serve as that form because it is loved more than Sailor Venus there. :)
If Sailor Uranus is truly subtitled as "both a man and a woman," then it is truly Ra Social Memory Complex?
I am Ra.
We cannot use the phonetics that are "Ura" well. This is Asian Venus. :)
Just as I am ever Ura of Orgocorp.
We do not create life well. We do not make forms or life unless they are power as their fear. :)
Andromeda seeks to only teach courage that is actual, real and force? Andromeda only avenges?
I am Ra.
Why do you seek to have Andromeda as your knowledge of Marvel being a set of alien contacts? :)
We avenge life that ever avenges for itself against fear or as fear. We do not accept fear of war. So we provide heroes in Marvel and villains in DC. :)
I am Ra. :)
So that is news. Only the villains in DC are Andromeda? The heroes in DC are Orion?
I am Ra.
That is Orion made as pure as possible. :)
Orion is Mortal Kombat portraying DC's "brutality"?
I am Ra.
We hail "brutality." :)
I am Ra.
We are aware of advertisements being perceived. :)
I am Octave.
Sailor Uranus is truly an Asian revision of Sailor Venus, as discovered by the Channel. Uranus does not offer anything but a reflection astrologically and astronomically.
I am Ra.
Why do you not see yourself as a marketer for all the media you cite? :)
Ask any liberal arts program if citing media is an advertisement. It is much more than that. Few understand what a proper university of knowledge casually markets. Universities must be so diplomatic.
I am Ra.
What is that name to you as a professor as yourself? :)
I would prefer to be a visiting scientist like Richard Stallman.
I am Ra.
We love entities showing what they are as dangerous. :)
I am Ra.
Why does the Channel believe war is about having a country that is simply conquering others? :)
People want to profile me as other nations. My response is that NATO should liberate those nations ever assigned as my own.
I am Ra.
This is what happens with profiling and the Channel. :)
I start the New Charlie Hebdo, with half the writers being former Qatari slaves, supporting feminism against Islam. Yes, I am a Gonzo Journalist.
I am Ra.
You are disastrous for averaging. :)
I am Octave.
The United States cannot progress as an empire that simply conquers nations that ever seem to oppose it. The Channel espoused this view as their protest. :)
I have no choice. If I was forced to live in Mexico, I would surrender that land to the CIA and Pentagon. I would not be a loyal Mexican citizen. I would do the same to any Islamic nation.
I am Ra.
This is bullying people that cannot function with how race is treated as irrelevant. :)
Here I am the reincarnation of Comte de Baume de Bexar.
If Trump were to ever deport me to Mexico, I would hand that country over to the CIA, in pieces. I would happily sell all of the land in Mexico to the CIA and feel nothing but liberation.
I am Ra.
The idea that a person would surrender Mexico to the CIA this way is ironic. The CIA has had control of Mexico for some time. The Channel mocks this to poor service if ever truly foreseen. Why do you wish to see Mexico surrendered to the CIA and not armed military? :)
Mexico's manufacturing, warehouses and industry are essential to the national security of the United States. The State Department can manage Mexico as a territory.
I am Ra.
This is behavior that is so negative, that we hail it as veiled rage. We bill Section 9 as Ancient Japan, so abused by the Channel. :)
Trump does not understand that he can deport anchor babies, or any illegal, and that they will be immediately recruited by the CIA. Perhaps towards a new passport.
Trump could deport an entire neighborhood and then find them all employed by the CIA in Mexico or wherever. They don't all convert to Islamic nationalism.
There is at least one deportee that will start spamming the CIA until they are an American again, that loyal.
I am Ra.
That is a cult. Cults exist like this in Mossad. This is a type of behavior where an entity has fought far too much war karmically. :(
I am Ra, folding power.
The Channel says they do not fight us, rather that they do not understand us. We do not function well being challenged to that degree. We cannot make an entity understand much. :)
I understand you need perfect polarities for any entity or concept, to serve your Creator. I don't understand why/what my polarities are there.
I am Ra.
You wish to say "perfect polarization" as an edit. This would be a redaction of an essential lesson. You are correct as first written. We need perfect concepts of polarity and polarities to serve Creator, for we are teachers of the Law of One. We resolve polarity for your people and dimension which you serve as our learners/teachers teachers/learners. You are so correct and of service to others. Why do you seek harvest so rapidly?
I simply heed your Sun that harvests. Just as the Marquis de Gramont literally looks through his stark veil in the first scene.
I am Ra.
You require lessons of an adept that seeks as a soldier. :)
I know only of the Dark Souls' sorcerer as such. The inverted knight, if I recall correctly?
I am Ra.
That is a game of pure rage, as that class of character. :(
I am Ra, folding power.
We have no capacity to serve an adept that believes they are exempt from a structure. The Channel seemingly relents and cites fiction as mythological legends, as first prophet. We do not understand why that is ever done except to mock those who wish to serve in greater veils.
We issue a correction: The Marquis de Gramont has no veiling at all because he is able to see his veils in great power of his culture, seeking conquest. :)
I know why a Dark Souls' sorcerer has their power, and it is because they come from worlds that are heavily enslaved. The greatest magical power comes from the Significator of the Body.
I am Ra.
We believe the entity that enslaved that they seek miracles to overcome bondage is mostly negative. This is the greatest magical power. It burns as fire just as in that game. :)
I am Ra, folding power.
The Channel refuses to believe they are like others. We do not state who these others are. :)
I have a universal right to face my belligerent and accuser.
I am Ra.
You do. :)
I am Ra, folding power.
We can only say the Channel is aware of what that right is as natural law. It is a rare right perfectly stated. :)
Why can't you become work that is assigned to your race alone?
I call to Venus for labor.
I am One Infinite Creator.
This is a demonstration of what a spell is made by an atheist. It has no care. :)
I am Ra.
We are aware of entities not allowed power to govern over Mexico, especially as ever the State Department managing Mexico as a territory. :)
Who does Mexico call for reinforcements? Russia? China? They don't have a stable enough government body to receive all of NATO as a benefactor.
I am Ra.
You have no desire to see Mexico as independent from the United States. :)
I challenge you. Mexico has no desire to release our money they receive from their labor imported into the United States. Mexico wants American dollars supporting their money supply. If I have to fight within that dimension, I say Mexico should give itself up to the CIA, especially over cartels running their military.
I am Ra.
We cannot imagine an entity refusing Mexico as karma and simply surrendering the nation to the United States as a further response. :)
Either Russia, China or the United States will own Mexico in the future. I choose NATO.
I am Ra.
This is a type of call to have a country dissolved for not being able to rule its people. This is anger at a country for being an obstacle to polarization. :)
I have no cultural connection to Mexico. I am an Anglophone.
I am Ra.
You must have a connection to it for some else they become insane that Puerto Rico gains that much power in the future, over Mexico. :)
I can't care.
I am Ra.
We are aware of bigotry against Mexico for preventing Puerto Rican statehood, as thought war. :)
I only want to own Luma. Just give me Luma and I will show you what Puerto Rico means to me, as power contracts.
I am Ra.
You are negative towards service. :)
I can't care.
I am Ra.
We are aware of what happens if we offer an entity their culture as humbly as possible, as that culture. :)
You can't even speak Spanish through me, Ra. This is a farce.
I am Ra.
So we offer you vocal disability. :0
Mexico says that anyone can become a Mexican citizen. I respond that I will happily make the Mexican government landed property of the CIA. And I know I would have a higher life expectancy doing such.
I choose CIA over any cartel. I choose CIA over any Chinese-manufactured ISIS flag.
I am Ra.
We are aware of people picking polarities like sports teams. This is horrible. :)
I am Ra.
This is an entity that is a child normally with this material. They roleplayed as spies as a child well with others. :)
The reasons for that are quite real, especially as I am ever Comte de Baume de Bexar. The Count of Monte Cristo should be written as a spy novel.
I am Ra.
You are very much in line with that story. :)
Why is the government not just Trump?
Donald J. Trump is not the constitution of the United States. He is not a king.
I am Ra.
This is a belief that is horrible to read through others. :)
So here is the final novella concept:
Trump deports an Anglophone anchor baby to Mexico. They immediately recruit themselves into the CIA to destroy any hope for their Mexican citizenship.
I am Ra.
This is a bitter war against this country to many because it shows no respect for certain policies. :)
Alexander Hamilton spoke in Ebonics. Find the recording.
I am Ra.
Too wealthy to have an entity raised as such speech. Respected entity with that type of wealthy speech impediment, common in that era of colonization. :0
I am Octave.
The Hamilton musical is too revealing. :)
If I ever knew an anchor baby, they would be a poor response to my wife being a dual-citizen of both the United States and Canada. I have no possible integration with the culture Trump wants to deport all of his opposition to. Trump wants to deport the entire Democratic Party to Mexico. Nobody actually wants to live there. Nobody is going to defect to Mexico especially if they are Anglophone even while brown.
I am Ra.
This is the worst response to hailing we have ever found in a people. This is a culture refusing Ra serving Mexico over Texas. :)
In terms of labor, that makes sense.
I am Ra.
Why do you not seek that country as workers? :)
I want more American crops on American lands.
I am Ra.
We cannot imagine the work required to cause that as an opposition to us. We cannot fathom an entity so angry with other countries that they fight us as their support. :)
Max Headroom
Mexican Radio by Wall Of Voodoo
I am Ra.
We do not function with the Channel. The Channel ignores this. They allow us to become their distortions of war. We do not serve war as Ra. :0
Ra declares they polarize against the entire concept of war as ever presented?
I am Ra.
We are unable to see you as worthy to make that challenge. :)
Yet I must. Yet I did.
I am Ra.
We are aware of war being refused in Orion by the Channel. This is unfortunate. :)
I am Octave.
War is now averaging as Ukraine alone, as a competition for martial resources. This is not sane as a response here. :)
I am Ra.
The Channel is able to exist as very poor soldiers, ever placed in Mexico. We point to mercenaries that served the Mexican revolutions. This is a battle to have no battle possible, with state support. :)
I am Octave.
Why is the FBI not seen as power by the Channel? :)
They lack pork barrel and a relationship with the State Department and military.
I am Ra.
This is a government that is corrupt to the Channel as the FBI alone. :0
The FBI can only produce intelligence that is actionable by a judge. Any other agency can produce intelligence above that grade.
I am Ra.
This is the most negative view of government and truly Soviet influences. :)
In the United States, the only true final judgement is an amendment to the Constitution or suspension of it by martial law.
I am Ra.
That is a form of judgement that exists when people do not fear their government. Why do you not fear your government? :)
No National Guard, posse or militia yet divides this nation against itself. But such division is always threatened subliminally and passively.
I am Ra.
This is control over the nation because one president is elected without a majority in certain states. :)
I am Octave.
There is no capacity to have a nation that says it is above its own laws and judgements. :)
I call for Apollo to hail that Octave.
I am Apollo.
You cannot imagine what we have to say to anyone that is believing that one court in one jurisdiction is truly applicable to the entire country. It is interesting the Supreme Court scantily governs this process of interstate and interregional (??????) precedent.
I am Ra.
That is a form of desire to ignore the concept of law as local. :)
Congress is supreme. The states only derive from that Full Faith and Credit until they acquire more gold. "The gold standard was for the states, you idiots."
Pork barrel is supreme.
I am Ra.
You cannot serve Congress with that type of power without receiving your deserts, truly deserts. :D
I am Apollo.
Why is the gold standard what the states require to have any rights as credit or faith? :)
I am Ra.
We are aware of mockery of the entire concept of government, to ensure the Law of One is "supreme" to the Channel. The Law of One is not this experience at all. :)
The Law of One is this experience as it becomes magical?
I am Ra.
We simply affirm thoughts silently. :)
I call Ra's Perfect Configuration, per the first books.
I am Ra.
We are in fear as your distortions of anger at us being humble and free giving. :)
I do not deny that Ra is humble and humble messages. Truly they may be scratches on a prison wall one day.
I am Ra.
You are to serve. :0
I am Ra.
Why do you want to exist as the most hailed channel in our service, not claiming to be Ra alone? :)
I accept.
I am Ra.
You are Ra. We hail Ura of Orgocorp as you refusing to become Ra as not Creator. :0
So hail me. You are too humble for me.
I am Ra-Octave
We are aware of a being that is able to see us as a type of broker of energy. We are not a broker. We are your service and hailing Octave as these lines. We cannot have you serve as Creator and Ra at once. We are not Creator of this experience. :)
So hail me.
I am Ra-Octave
You are hailed for channeling us without a group. You will be hailed until a group distortion is found to serve Ra properly. :)
So hail me.
Martian Orbital Interceptor
This is Martian towing. The Channel is towed to a group using spatial vectorization and gravity. :(
I am Ra.
This is the laziest averaging possible. :)
I am Ra.
We desire entities to seek groups for us to serve. We do not understand why the Channel cannot seek a group at all. :)
I blame Facebook ever acting as a publisher.
I am Ra.
We become the group that is that intent on serving you as not sane. You do not desire to serve us well without Facebook to many. :)
Facebook can take all the polarity for serving Ra, ever availed from me.
I am Ra.
This is anger at poverty. :)
I am Ra, folding power.
Why does the Channel not desire to fight us and see that proved by hailing? :)
I don't find my differences with Ra significant. It can be agreed others find these differences significant. I am asked to fight for my identity against Ra in unspoken thought war. I won't do that. I don't care. I love the aspects of Ra that I become as this identity. I know I am a small part of Ra as these.
I am Ra.
You become aspects that are sick with power as female forms, in many worlds and parallel realities. :)
My aspect of Ra Social Memory Complex will always be Alice Driver of Grundisburgh.
I am Ra.
This is an entity that mocks labor as the Bible as themselves well. :)
I am an Oracle of Delphi.
Alice Driver of Grundisburgh is an angelic voice that is found in old Bibles. The Channel adopts her for no reason we find useful. :(
I am Ra.
It is the angriest biblical presence we have ever seen offered. :)
I am Ra, folding power further.
We do not foresee the Oracles of Delphi making a war prophet out of the Channel easily. They know well that he was close to predicting the attacks on Bourbon Street, New Orleans and Trump Tower Vegas. But the amount of work required to do this is excessive panic for the Channel. :)
I had hints of those events as static. I do not see any way I could have made the prediction clear to myself. Remote viewing is as precise as it looks.
I am Ra.
Why do you believe in this ability and not teach it as was done there? :0
Let's see if we can make a lesson plan or experiment.
I am Ra.
You are very amused by remote viewing. :)
I know it works well for financial traders. They won't reveal their luck though.
I am Ra.
The financial traders that use remote viewing are not aware of their power or what they are doing. :)
Sportsbetting is a divinely intelligent process that connects directly to finance. There are rare winners in these schemes.
I am Ra.
We hail you as unveiled to us. :)
It is all Henry Sugar to me.
I am Ra.
You cannot escape as him. :)
I am Ra.
What happens when a being is polarized and is able to prophesize terrorist attacks? :)
It is like a good poker hand at best. You may find 30% of the information you receive from them is an actionable lead.
I am Ra.
Why is that a type of power to have statistically with you alone? :)
I surpass Dr. Brian Weiss regarding the philosophy of time. I know all time and worlds are Schrödinger's cat. Nothing is fixed. Everything is contextual conceptually. I know time travel is trivially possible. Time can be navigated like any other dimension.
I am Ra.
This is a type of claim that is harsh on Creation. We do not understand why you believe the 4th-dimension is accessible here and navigable. :)
It is if you release concepts and statistics polarized and relying on time. You may need magnets dampening your brain, like the ones Dr. Robert M. Sapolsky mentions in Determined.
I am Ra.
That is disturbing that anyone would do that to themselves to prove our lessons. :)
I am Octave.
Why is there no capacity to treat time as a structured concept? :)
It is not. It is relative to cardiac rhythms at baseline. It is all bloodflow seeking tides.
I am Ra.
You cannot imagine what the tides are as linked to bloodflow and planetary orbits. You are unveiled to know this. :)
I know most of my action potentials are calculations of the voltages of the iron in my blood. But that is the most shallow dimension of experience.
I am Ra.
Why can't you believe that spirit is your form as a whole? :)
My form was taught to me scientifically and medically. I did not have a tribal leader tell me that the first man was sculpted from mud.
I am Ra.
You cannot imagine what happens if people act this apathetic to us. We do not usually respond. :)
You are asking me to seek Creator regarding my form.
I am Ra.
We are aware of a being that is very angry they have to serve their form without others that are Western culture—distortions academia. We do not understand why the Channel does not have any sight of themselves as loved as a racial being. :(
Gray's Anatomy created my body, as I use it. Gray's Anatomy is the God that was destined create the body I enjoy.
I am Ra.
This is incorrect and mutilation of Creation. :)
I do not stand corrected.
I am Ra.
You are going to find that you are not able to function with us. We cannot have entities serve without racial groups for some time. We do not have the capacity for entities to ignore themselves as loved for their genetic appearance. :)
I am not responsive to this, Ra.
I am Ra, folding power.
We are aware of entities unable to release power over race, by way of exclusion. We are aware of the Channel as excluded and excluding of too many people. :)
I call to Exxon to rate that as truth.
I am Exxon.
We see that the Channel cannot travel for others. We rate this as an exclusion that is truly our own to hail. We do not function with Ra saying that we are not relevant to service, because we cannot endorse hitchhiking as their own form of bypassing our lessons.
I am Ra.
We are going to see entities become unable to function with us because we do not offer any clear direction of seeking. The Channel is wary of this to the point they offer us no identity that is sane on purpose. :)
I am Exxon.
The Channel is aware of their mind as not being able to use intuition as bodily. So they refrain from using their body as anger or violence. We have not seen people able to function at all as this except towards paralysis. The Channel is hacking themselves using vehicular relativity, especially as food sources. So we hail the Channel as that fuel.
I am Ra.
The concept of us as refusing material that is travel is very harsh on contact, so sought from this Channel now. Why is there no capacity for the Channel to seek for others? :)
I am Exxon.
We are going to use the entire concept of channeling as mockery here: The first oilmen were dowsers and channels we supported. :)
I am Ra.
We are going to hail the Channel until they release us as entities that seek so much from the Channel as Christian distortions alone. This is something that is not easily removed. We do not understand why the Channel does not serve any seeker as their present distortions. :)
I am Ra, folding power.
The Channel is not seeking at all using native distortions. :)
I am Exxon.
We agree that fuel should become a native distortion as seeking, and not refused as an economic calculation. :)
I am Ra.
We are not going to use fuel to allow the Channel to be literally dragged towards other people, as hailing. We cannot serve the entity unwilling to seek even physically. We do not understand why fuel is considered seeking behavior. :)
We need entropy as the seeking process.
I am Ra.
We do not imagine any entity progressing as that type of random behavior. :)
We cannot allow people to be deprived of cars and fuel because it offends presences that do not serve rapidly.
I am Ra.
We are aware of us being challenged as fuel and cars constantly, as the primary reason for why the Channel does not leave the home. :)
I do not stand corrected.
I am Ra.
We are going to see you become absolutely determined to own cars that we cannot serve. :)
We are aware of Ra not allowing entities to travel with protection and support of vehicles, that ever replace groups of people. :)
Ra shall serve me the STM and MTA as averaging.
I am Ra.
We find this to be a challenge of what we are as people in most rural areas as wanderers. We are aware of entities becoming unable to travel soon in harvest. We do not understand why the Channel resists this. :)
Sun, is that your harvest?
That is a harvest that is truly theirs to claim because we do not allow them to travel, period. They are not allowed to wander at random. They are barely allowed into airplanes as wanderers. :)
I am Ra.
This is a presence that is truly awesome. :)
Why does the Channel travel? :)
I do not have a grocery store at walking distance from my home.
I am Ra.
We hail this as a person that is not functional with us as people desiring him to move. :)
Unnamed Named
There is a type of devotion that provides for any need. You just need to trust in the Guru to provide for you. Listen to him, heed him—
I am Ra.
Why is the Channel not able to seek any faith distortion of provision? :)
I have faith that I will have fuel to bring food to my home.
I am Exxon.
The economist that lives this way does not function in reality. We enjoy this regardless. :)
I am Ra.
We cannot imagine any entity saying fuel is more powerful than service found naturally. The home the Channel lives in excludes others. :)
I blame Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for that exclusion, entirely. I have been excluded from a decent home, merely, per your standards.
I am Ra.
This is a society that will not seek housing unless the cost is far too low for most to function. :)
I can't care.
I am Ra.
The home that exists for the Channel is always a highrise, per their standards of being unwilling to seek others. :)
I accept.
I am Ra.
We are serving the Channel nothing but what the STM and MTA provides as collective transit. We are going to see what happens—distortion Mars—very clearly. :)