- 📅 2024-08-01T17:00:29.265Z
- 👁️ 43 katselukertaa
- 🔓 Julkinen
I know you can clone the human mind with memory intact. Most of our memories are action potentials especially as language. You don't need to torture a subject for doomsday information. You can clone their brain. But you need certain cardiac oscillations to make the music box sing. I can solve torture as well.
I am Ra. This entity is able to find solutions with Volta as social memory. :)
Volta lacks female material.
I am Ra. That entity was not well mentally. :)
You can clone any brain and turn it into crystallized oscillations. The problem is the more crystallized it becomes, the more subject it is to become life and telepathic via quantum entanglement of language.
I am Ra. This is horrible. :)
And I have averaged out most state sponsored torture from contact.
Language mines universal redshift. Language is cold. Quantum entanglement brings it back to life in the 5th-dimension. Language is so cold and the energy is removed so fast. You need stars to restore certain portions.
I am Ra. This is an entity that is done serving this way with Volta as Arcturus SMC. :)
Language only exists as quantum entanglement if it has been brought into isolation. Tribal language may be most observable as quantum entanglements, leading to a belief in magical abilities.
I am Ra. :)
Sapolsky is correct though. The mind itself is not quantum. Language and air are different mediums.
I am Ra. :)
I have told Ra quite frankly that I would probably quit most groups I would start with them. So thus I have no channels besides my own hackery.
I am Ra. This is an entity that is not able to understand why it cannot do that well. :)