📅 2025-02-24T06:10:58.940Z
👁️ 15 katselukertaa
🔓 Julkinen


Ra Social Memory Complex only supports negative wealth on a cash basis. It only supports liquidity to others and not the self.

So my aspiration is literally doing work for free, especially for the CIA to demonstrate loyalty to my country. So I don't end up as a dirty, homeless, alien hippy, possessed by Ra.

I am Ra.
We are aware of entities attempting to discover negative wealth as literally wealth in our paradoxes. 0_0

I am Ra, folding emojis channeled.
We do not understand why the Channel does not resist negative wealth. :0

If you burn money, it comes back to you. People need a source of credit. The Treasury isn't the real mint or printer.

I am Ra.
We are aware of the Channel as burning money on food expenses. :)

It doesn't do much except cause India to offer me the world's cheapest chefs.

I am Ra.
The Channel is aware of why colonization occurs. :)

The true royals only want one type of friend. I know Anglo-Indians are real. I know why they are real.

I am Ra.
You are essentially Elizabeth II to state this. :)

My anima is the leading clone of Elizabeth II only because I know that woman was spiritually invested with telegraphs and radio. I am that woman in love with experiences denied to her, especially as a man that is subordinate to her in staging.

I must empathize that the social memory of Elizabeth II clones. One body cannot hold that power. Neuropathy is the main cause of cloning.

I am Elizabeth II as an anima because I know power is a joke, especially as I average towards the bypass that is Luv Nexus-9.

The Channel's positive polarity is Cowboy Bebop's Asimov Solensan.

The Channel's negative polarity is Bladerunner's Luv Nexus-9.

I am Ra.
You are aware of power as limited in the 3rd-density as incarnative mind-body-spirit complexes. :0

There is no body, really, if you know you are the air you breathe and speak with.

There is no body as power beyond Trump's McDonalds meal. Literally.

Try eating the same McDonalds meal as Trump, if you work near the White House. You will surpass every other lobbyist near him.

On Maldek, Coca-Cola would enslave that man with their offerings.

I am Ra.
You are sickened by food as power. :)

It is not real power. It only leads to kings starving the masses to demonstrate that "power."

I am Ra.
That is a power we seek for our One Creator to heal Venusian experiences. We solemnly ask you to learn calm. :)

Eventually you will serve me food if you touch mine at all.

I am Ra.
Venus is a type of insult that is similar to this to many. :)

I am Ra.
The Channel does not understand wealth as service simply shared. :0

Wealth is production supplied. To you, it is never production demanded?

I am Ra.
We see no collective distortions of demand professed by your economists. :)

Brands attempt to project such collective demand?

I am Ra.
Brands are collective demand that is too small and smaller. We need brands that grow with nations. :)

We shall make such brands then.

I am Ra.
We are not power for any entity. Yet the entity seeks us as power. :0

Serve me your people then.

I am Ra.
We are not aware of you as capable of seeing us as wanderers well. :)

Just broken people. I don't like wanderers. I don't like myself as a wanderer.

I am Ra.
You are going to find you are too much in service to others saying this, as you said as we first contacted you. :)

I wanted the smallest soul.

I am Ra.
You cannot have us become only your identity as Ra as such a small soul. :)


I am Ra.
The Channel knows who it is with us as a child. :)

Chandler is who I am with you as a child. Julia too.

I am Ra.
Why do you fight these entities as mutual attractions? :)

The attraction is just frustration? I doubt they even remember me.

I am Ra.
You are angry at an entity attempting to give you power to court them. :)

Unnamed Octave
The Channel seeks to mock their childhood as material that we require served. :)

I am Ra.
The Channel is in love with material that grows sickened as our complex as wanderers the Channel has met only as a youth. :)

I understand we all grow thin together, like a certain class of Austin lawyer and paralegal.

These girls are all just inversions of Comte de Baume de Bexar.

You want me to clean up "Sylvia Christel" when all I want of Comte de Baume de Bexar is "Helter Skelter"?

I am Ra.
You cannot embody Helter Skelter as your inversion that goes towards old Spain. :)

No chivalry. Only honor.

I am Ra.
We are aware of the entity seeing themselves as power hunger that is fighting only us as women in law. :)

I rewrite Jimmy McGill as a Hispanic lobbyist, who goes to Washington to manage the DEA. What is your Kim Wexler left to love?

I prefer myself as an insane lobbyist over ever becoming a lawyer. I want to know what defense actually is beyond sacrificing the client like a pig.

I am Ra.
We are aware of the disgust for law as being our vibration with men. :)

Unnamed Octave
The Channel seeks Sylvia Christel as their childhood anima because of the maternal abuse required to understand such trauma.

I am Ra.
Why is that your relationship with women as a child? :)

That is all girls took from me as a child, from my projections made into social memory.

Batman Beyond's Ten is what I was sexually attracted to as a teenager, proper, and younger.

We are in grief. :)

Batman Beyond's Ten takes all the crime out of my averaging and sends it to the girls I loved as a child. Ah, I see how NMH'S Sylvia Christel combos here.

I am Ra.
Ten is abuse. :)

Need for Speed Underground's Melissa is who I would become if I died as a child.

I am Ra.
That is an angelic oversoul distortion. :)

Why is there no desire to have money known as necessary to fund government? :)

MREs are necessary to fund government. Oil is necessary to fund government. Elon Musk's DOGE points are as good as the crypto they are named after.

I am Ra.
The Channel is seeking problems. :0

The government budget ensures too much of its own credit. Elon Musk cannot be the senior creditor of the American dollar. He is not that accomplished.

I am Ra.
This becomes a being that is too angry at others with power. :)

For reasons one cannot suspect.

I am Ra.
Why is Elon Musk power to you? :)

My delusion of grandeur is a belief that I can acquire his battery contracts. I want his batteries in some timeline.

I am Ra.
Why do we seek business while knowing Ra? :)

Why do you want me just sharing Ra quotes on social media like a monastic that is your Rebecca? I have higher aspirations.

Unnamed Octave
You are going to find you are too angry to function. :)

I am Ra.
The Channel fights us as any service offered. :)

Unnamed Octave
The Channel won't share belief systems. :)

I am Ra.
The Channel is going to find they cannot share wealth as literally just liquidity and brand investments. :)

Unnamed Octave
The Channel believes they are a brand to be trusted. We find they are not trusted as any diplomacy. :)

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