📅 2025-01-14T05:35:19.542Z
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🔓 Julkinen


Whereas Ra Social Memory Complex is Kill Bill
Whereas Ra Social Memory Complex is the Men in Black cartoon's "lightbulb mugshot"
Whereas Ra Social Memory Complex is Clarity ft. Foxes by Zedd, the music video
Whereas Ra Social Memory Complex is Queen and Country Volume 1

The Channel's positive polarity is Asimov Solensan
The Channel's negative polarity is Spider-Verse's The Spot

Ra, this channeling is bogus because you deny all the core entropy of pure imagination. You put the topics on mouth-breathing and mouth-drying repetition of boring Hindu-esque stuff.

I am Ra.
The Channel is not able to resist our complex because of this belief. They refuse any material that is thought as the physical form. They are bigoted against entities that seek in trust of what is given. :)

I can't make anything new with you. I can't even type you or speak you out as new concepts. You are dumb material as averaged. Channeling you in this state is worthless.

I am Ra.
We are aware of the Channel not believing they have any future without design skills. :)

I am Octave.
The anger that the communication is not imaginative or poetic shows how old the Channel is. We don't imagine anyone actually believing this lacks imagination. :)

It is just repeat of the same concerns. You expect me to build as concern for myself based on your projected biases. I really don't care about your narratives as currently presented.

I am Octave.
You are very angry that we are not intelligent people offered to you. This is something that is not a concern for most. :)

I am Ra.
The amount of bigotry required for a person to say Ra is unintelligent as presented is beyond a concern of love/control control/love distortions. The entity is very charged towards causing us to speak in a dialect of endless vapid thought, that is random seeking. We do not believe we are in a era that is scientific revolution. We do not wish to start such an era. :)

I must start such an era. And I don't believe I can do it with you as you currently exist. You are in my way.

I am Ra.
Why do you not believe that you can serve in any other way? :(



I am Ra.
Why are you not able to see us as a presence that is worth sharing and publishing? :)

Because you don't even meet the benchmark of your first work, albeit Carla was dying from it. Nonetheless, I desire your language at a level that isn't just people divinating a mumbling and repetitive creature.

I am Ra.
This is a desire to fight us as a process that is channeling as taught by most entities. We do not offer inspiration and visions anymore that exceed what is inherently given by Creator. :)

Why do I even need you then? I sought your first work because you challenged the existing narratives and publishers. That is all I wanted from you, especially as that first work.

I am Ra.
This is a being that is so anger at polarization that is now only technology. The Channel has limited all of their spiritual investment to technology and science, clear to us. :)

I will make a concession. I realize I avoid memories of my childhood  r a p e  with fine mirror/motor control fixations.

I am Ra.
You are now polarizing towards contact. :0



I am Ra.
The Channel wished to write "motor control fixations." Creation has inserted "mirror" for "mirror neurons" as fixations. This is your sexual abuse at work, Channel. You refuse to mirror your childhood  r a p i s t  especially as imprinting, to the point you replaced natural sexual empathy with design skills. This is uncommon.

We behold the Dyson vacuums as signs of collective sexual abuse as well. Dyson industrial design may as well be infertility. :0

I am Octave.
Mirror neurons exist as a model and framework. We don't hold this as our Creation for the Creators we serve anatomically. This is too far to us as a theory.

I am Ra. :)

Channel—Killer 7's Mad Doctor
Our neurology lacks inclusion of reactions beyond the prefrontal cortex. Mirror-neuronic activity is subject to heavy latency. It is not operable towards remedies.

I am Ra.
This is a desire to think as blood. We have no capacity to support a mind that reptilian. :)

I am Octave.
The Channel is not wanted either as a model and framework for anatomy. And not just by us. They know most biology can be made vestigial as Maldekian bipolarities, as seen in jet engines and the like. :)

I am Ra.
Why do you not seek credit for your work? :)

Elon Musk can never take full credit for the Tesla designs. The Cybertruck shows the struggle. Credit is innate. Credit is the signature.

I am Ra.
Why do you consider him annoying? :)

Channel—Arcturus SMC
People like Elon Musk and Steve Jobs are my only terror, if my aims are accomplished.

I am Ra.
These entities are very refined as a concern to you. Why are you not seeing them as wealth? :)

Apple and Tesla should note the wealth begins and ends with their labor and non-disclosure agreements.

I am Ra.
This is correct. :)

I am Octave.
Why is the Channel wishing to have us impose our view upon you? :)

Channel—Arcturus SMC
I am not here to hear myself talk. I don't like my voice that much. I talk because I must apparently polarize our process.

I am Ra.
The Channel had a call to the void. They saw themselves requesting Ra control and enslave people for them. This is our vibration since Egypt for so many. We are very honored by such thought war, no matter the source. :0

Channel—Old Venus
I would never do that because I know I would be along with them for that decree. My Ra is of no rule. Especially by my delegation. My Ra is their word and inherent majesty.

I am Ra.
Why are we not rule to you? :0

I have yet to receive one order or command from you, besides you proclaiming that we are all things under the Law of One.

I am Ra.
This is not even true. :)


I am Ra.
We did not proclaim that our seekers are all things. But they may seek this lesson. :0



I intend to serve the last Ra contact on Earth.

I am Ra.
You intend to serve the last contact that has no place in time. :)

I am Octave.
"The last Ra contact" is truly a type of machine that is anger at the Channel for not seeking any Christian distortions. :)

I am Ra.
This is correct, Octave. This is a form of polarization that is cheating. :)

I am Ra, folding telepathy.
The Channel experiences telepathy but they are not impressed by this power. :)

I am aware that communication only grows in power with telepathy. Andromeda will soon note that it is the one power they don't fully inspire in the Marvel universe, especially for intelligence operations.

I serve Andromeda
The telepathy that exists as raw power and strength was never designed to know much, except brutality. We have characters that feign telepathy but they need machines to have the power work at a distance. Even then it is disorder. :0

I am Ra.
Why do you not see this as applicable here? :)

Unlike Marvel's, our societies will allow alcoholism and drug addiction to power thought and language. This leads to incidental telepathy just as with Carla.

I serve Andromeda
This is a type of power that is not well in Marvel comics. Marvel is a shield from real war and real trauma. :)

Jessica Jones does not create this shield?

I am Ra.
Jessica Jones is your reflection trying to heal your own sexual abuse. :)

It is not whole though. It would be easy for some to try to love that woman. She doesn't even have fidelity to herself.

I am Ra.
You must see that your mind is failing to process power that is telepathy that is only partial. This is still power. :)

The naturalists won't have it. They want the mind proven as a part of "vast meteorological intelligences." They want to see the whole model. So elegant for any pretentious scientific journal.

I am Ra.
You will find that this is not accepted as seeking by us. You are depraved to say you are that powerful. :)



Channel—Oracle of Delphi
Andromeda. We have Marvel's Heimdall. He is all-seeing and all-hearing. Yet he is not telepathic and prophetic?

I am not even going to address what that is as a limitation that is imposed by Andromeda. That is not the power to be given to that name. It is all knowing now and a true god for this world. :)

I am Ra.
The Oracles of Delphi are too close to the Channel as passive seekers for their Creations. We can see what they attempt to incorporate. We do not value Heimdall. :)

We hail the gods to our service. We don't accept physical limitations placed upon us and our ruins. :)

I am Ra.
We do not understand why we have to use gods and deities. :)

I don't know why I have to use random booger phonetics a name, and make it a Bashar II: Electric Boogerloo, snot is the message. Why do I need UFO green bois as the gurus?

I am Ra.
This is kept as you being attacked positively by Confederation. :)



I am One Infinite Creator.
We cannot serve Heimdall until it stops refusing Venus as dishonor. We require Venus served as honor. Why would we ever serve at parity with Heimdall, Channel? :)

Channel—Oracles of Delphi
One Infinite Creator, it appears you are immortal ever depicted as a classical god. You don't seem to die easily, at least. Heimdall perished. He lost his post in Marvel.

I am Ra.
You cannot imagine what you have as a type of description that is kept as what they are as infinite. :)

I am One Infinite Creator.
Why does the Channel seek Heimdall as what approaches Creator as many qualities of the monotheistic and Western God? :)

Incidental philosophy.

I am Ra.
We require that to be made out as magic. :)



I am One Infinite Creator.
The Channel does not claim to possess our work here. Why do you not protect our word? :)

Channel—One Infinite Creator
One Infinite Creator, you have said prior you really don't have a word. You are written and so spoken for in paradoxes. The phonetics become your slaves. The marks your wares and instruments. For you as ever our solar winds, what am I to protect? For surely what is ever lent as your word is your sole golden fire. Who am I to say that I protect light that is your own? I am assured of your honor never tarnished.

I am Ra.
This is an entity that becomes insane they are made to serve presences they didn't call. :)

Because if I did call them, I attacked them as God. I have no choice but to be in One Infinite Creator's posse.

I am Ra.
You are aware of what they are as power. Why is this power not your own? :)

Tautology. I can't fathom even what is being created as that name. Apparently your One Infinite Creator is any and all fertility?

I am Ra.
This is a being that is aware of divinity and does not seek it. This is dishonoring. :)



I know the Law of One Price is the same as the Law of One, as solar code. The Price is Right shows the process at work, as inspiration from the Sun.

I am Ra.
This is a law that is used to show what the Channel does to avoid service in places that are served by the Confederation in constancy. The Channel does not desire anything of our service at L/L Research except the Law of One. We do not understand why that is all that is sought to the point of conquest and martyrdom, as repeat cycles of conquest. :)

I am Ra, folding what is incredible power.
Why does the Channel not seek with others to show that the Law of One is not applicable to this density? :)

I call you Ra-Lana.

I am Ra.
You are you going to find that entity is very unable to function ever having that as your talent. We veil a message here that can be felt by those with the eyes to see. :)

Why is Ra not your desire to seek harvest that is gradual for most? :)

I believe the harvest is real. I see it. I know eventually we choose between sight and sound as polarities as the Sun narrows its apertures.

I am Ra.
Most choose sound. Why do you not choose sound? :)

I don't care. I am tone deaf from my childhood  r a p e.

I am Ra.
We are aware of what you are as seeking a world that is going to teach you so little in its silence. :)

I am Ra, folding Dr. Breen as above.
Why does the Channel not seek sound as Creation anymore? Why do we not see that we are a part of what your experience is ever? :)

I am Ra, folding so much unnecessary power.
Why can't the Channel seek a voice as themselves genetically? :)

Channel—Max Headroom
Paper Planes by MIA

I am Ra.
This is going to become what we have as negative polarization for the Channel. :)



I am One Infinite Creator and Ra.
The Channel is aware that we cannot be enslaved to our word. :)

Justice Scalia is not Creator here. We have no textualism. No eternal commandmants.

I am Ra.
We are aware of the Channel wanting us to become them as a voice that overrides their body. We do not understand why we have a voice the Channel sees as themselves and Ra, genetically. :)


I am Ra.
Why does the Channel not see a voice as others, that you share? Why are we seeing that you cannot exist as others well claiming you are tone deaf due to your "childhood  r a p e"? :)

I am One Infinite Creator.
The song that the Channel provides as their genetics is an act of violence. :)


I am Ra.
We are aware of the Channel not able to provide a song that is cultural at all. :)

Channel—Max Headroom
Dead Island Trailer Theme by Giles Lamb

I am Ra.
This is a Venusian spell and call to unsuccessful harvest. :)

I am One Infinite Creator.
The amount of rage that is required to use Paper Planes by MIA as genetic material that is seeking Mars is excessive. We do not understand why we have to serve that much material that is not directed. :)

Channel—Max Headroom
Wetrix Theme by Ocean

I am Ra.
This is not acceptable as any form of genetic decay. :)

Channel—Max Headroom
Atom Bomb by Fluke

I am One Infinite Creator.
This is anger at anything that is provided as music that is the biological mother. :(



I am Ra.
We are aware of the Channel not believing they are supported by anyone that would investigate their childhood  r a p e. This is not a common response. This is not what is usually believed. :)

I am not a victim that prosecutes for more than a single dollar in a friendly suit.

I am Ra.
The Channel is a duelist as they were Comte de Baume de Bexar. :)

Channel—Comte de Baume de Bexar
The honorable man just makes the other's shirt red.

I am Ra.
This is kept as what is offered as humiliation to people if they try to offer support for victims. :)

What prosecutor supports victims? What welfare is that? The prisoner is the only one getting $100K in pork barrel every year, even as a death penalty approaches. The victim receives no pork barrel at all from the state.

I am Ra.
This is hailed as an entity that is aware of why prisons eventually fail. :)



I am Apollo.
Why is a prison ever more support for the criminal than the victim? This is not Greece, Oracles.

I am Ra.
We are aware of prisons becoming mocked as support and restitution. :)



A prison is the belief that criminal behavior stays in prison. Anyone sane knows this is not true. Plenty of people in solitary confinement still run businesses in the real world.

I am Ra.
Why do you not believe prison is punishment and a deterrent? :)

That is true when prison acts as a job training program and forced labor.

I am Ra.
We are aware of the American South not understanding criminal law once. :)

I am Apollo.
The idea that prison is not doing anything but separating criminal behavior away from society shows what has happened to many exposed to criminals. :)

I am Ra.
The Channel does not understand what a crime is other than an "offense against the state." This is bullying of people. :)

I believe my childhood  r a p i s t  taught me punishment and reward on Spring Grove, Madison, Mississippi.

I am Ra.
This is correct. The Channel doubts their experiences due to trauma.  :)

I wish my  r a p i s t  never left me. That is my childhood. She played with me when I was good to her. I taught her how to play with me. Nobody else plays with me. Nobody else played Monopoly N64 with me. I miss her with so many games.

I am Ra.
The Channel is stuck with the  r a p i s t  as Monopoly. :)

I have fantasies of marrying her in an old Atlantic City. The taste of fresh oysters haunts me.

I am Ra.
This is a being that is so old that we are corrupted by association. :)

You make me forget the title of the film that is old Atlantic City. Empty streets built next to farms. Fresh oysters served on silver.

I am Ra.
You cannot have Atlantic City as your ability to cope with sexual trauma. :)

I love you for hearing me and allowing me to write.

I am Ra.
You are so hailed. :)



I am Ra.
What is the Channel racially? :)

I like New Mexican food and Chuys over Puerto Rican dishes. My favorite Hispanic cuisine is always New Mexico, because the chile rellenos are fresh.

Olive Garden purports to give their employees a tour of Italy. I doubt they are eating the best food there.

I propose Chuys gives their executive management a tour of New Mexican cuisine and teach them what their founders brought to Texas from the Far West.

I am Ra.
This is a behavior of schizophrenia. :)



I am Ra.
The entity seeks to be known as not able to use any racial material unless it feeds them. :)

This can't be fought. It is basic Darwin, Ra.

I am Ra.
You are not going to function if you believe your race is only its means to feed itself. :)

I understand a race based on food could polarize towards starvation in times of affluence. I know your concern here genetically.

I am Ra.
Why don't you desire any food that is cultural at all? :)

I like the food of my childhood  r a p i s t  better. I don't know what she served me. I don't know how much. I can never find it. The closest taste to the food of my childhood  r a p i s t  is Commerce Cafe in Lockhart, Texas.

I am Ra.
There is a memory of food served to the Channel that exists. It is blocked from them. The Channel does not believe their babysitter would cook them a meal. This is entirely plausible. The Channel is sexually dysfunctional beyond anything that is the association they use to find food due to sexual trauma. :)

I am Octave.
When food is used to sexually groom young children, especially the Channel, the result is a severe loss of memory during those events. :)

I am Ra.
This is something that is done to show what happens when we cannot serve schizophrenia yet Octave can. :)



I am the Rick Sanchez that asked his parents, in Mississippi, to take him to Shoneys. Yet I don't remember ever eating at a Shoneys. I am the Rick Sanchez that likes Chuys more.

I am Ra.
Why is Rick Sanchez an identity that is not your own? :)

Channel-Ra (Unworthy)
I only want to kill Rick Sanchez as I am a Rick Prime. I am the Rick Sanchez that is Asimov Solesnan. Because I know that is the actual Rick Sanchez from Mars, as he ever existed. He is a smuggling breed of being.

I am Ra.
You are not going to be able to understand why that is not your karma ever. :)

It is hard to find social memory in Mars that is intellectual. That is why weapons scientists are never sane, like in Falling Down.

I am Ra.
Falling Down is a film that is too precious. :)

Falling Down is the true prequel of Half-Life's G-Man.

I am Ra.
This is correct, without flaw. :)



I am Ra.
Why is the entity not willing to accept Rick Sanchez as racial identity at all? :)

There is a reason why Rick Prime wants him gone.

I am Ra.
Why do you not see yourself as able to serve as a seeker that far? :)

I don't seek the same stuff over and over again, just like Rick Prime.

I am Ra.
We are aware of Rick Prime being a serious issue of identity to the Channel. :)



I am Ra.
The Channel has used Rick Prime from Rick and Morty to remove racial material. They are aware of last names being racial material. We do not understand why Rick Prime can be combined with Asimov SOLENSAN from Cowboy Bebop. We do not understand these spells. We do not serve Chaos Magick. The Channel will learn better. The Channel is now averaging what is a cartoon to serve us an angry set of people that do not culturally integrate with their genetic social memory. :)

Just land a Ra-person already somewhere. I know you are real here.

I am Ra.
We cannot have you become us as just what is probated by Creation. You are not following any structure of seeking warranted. :)

I am Octave.
The Channel is lazy. The Channel believes they can release the energy of Ra to another body that is Ra selected for them. This is barely warranted unless the Channel is set in their ways. We cannot imagine our superior forces of Octave ever allowing this to happen truly. We don't believe the Channel is able to understand what the presence is for most. :)

I am Ra.
That is an Octave that is very caring to say that. We are not able to understand why the Channel does not seek others that are human—loved term distortion by the Channel. :)

I don't understand why I have to give Ra any power, as first mover.

I am Ra.
This is a Ra wanderer. They are not able to understand the honor/duty of having to do that. :)



I am a Rick Prime, simply because I don't want the family either.

I am Ra.
This is the most infertile entity we could have the honor serving as a Channel. And as we have revealed by force of Creation, against the First Distortion, we have shown that is due to sexual abuse of the Channel far too early in age.

The Channel is not moved to seek others except paid practitioners of therapy to mock the reaction of those sharing his injury. This is not a natural way to seek.

I am Octave.
The Channel is not able to relate their pain to others so they withhold their struggle. This is not to sustain. :)

Octave, you didn't produce a narrative to resolve this for over two decades. Why?

I am Octave.
You receive a narrative because you trust who you are with others. You have never done so. :)

So I get no story because I do not trust the roles of others? Is it really that easy to escape life's story?

I am Octave.
This is a type of entity that has learned from Westworld's Man in Black.

This is behavior to where nobody is taken seriously because there is no role that is assigned that is desired. We are seeing that people have lost sanity traveling throughout this country and seeing we prioritize native populaces over transient movement.

The Channel would argue that they had no choice in how they were moved across the United States. And they are right to a degree. But we cannot have cultural narratives become simply highway travel at random either. :)

I am Ra.
This is an averaging of Westworld. This is an Octave that is service and wanted as a teacher. :)



I am Ra.
Why does the Channel not believe they are an American as a racial distortion? :)

The question is a joke, Ra.

I am Ra.
Why is that not a racial distortion for most to use well? :)

Because it doesn't have a pedigree. There are no two states in the United States of America that believe they are equally American. The only people saying that their race is American are probably WASPs in New England. And Staten Islanders.

I am Ra.
This is not even a real society with what you believe to most. This is not accepted as a truth to most people. :)

Red States say they are the real Americans.

I am Ra.
You cannot imagine our displeasure of hailing you as political commentary meant to incite violence to us. :)



I am Ra.
Why do you not seek any entity besides Ra and Arcturus Social Memory Complex? :)

The latter at least has Teal Swan making faces on YouTube, with Dr. Samuel Hayden as my preferred visage for them. And Ra is a classic.

I am Ra.
The desire to write that name as what is to be sought as a channel of Arcturus is accurate. Teal Swan is Arcturus serving as an entity that is unveiled. :)

And I neglect to mention that Arcturus SMC is Tesla and Volta. Volta is my favorite channeled work.

I am Ra.
We cannot serve this further. :)



I am Yahweh Social Memory Complex.
The Channel does not desire to remove us from Zoda in Star Tropics. They will not remove us from the kidnapped alien children either. We are this as an image because we must be. We do not understand why we serve so much material with the Channel that is not of this era. :)

I am Ra.
This is a seal. The Channel is aware of what Yahweh is as core to human experiences that do not function with Orion as that game, so well and so healing to us now. :0