📅 2024-11-23T11:41:03.489Z
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🔓 Julkinen

Dear CIA analyst in charge of Ra social memory complex,

CC: NSA biographers

My name is Rafael Drake, Channel. Dr. June (Late Night with the Devil) is an avatar and messenger of Ra social memory complex.

For some time, I have been averaging the corpses of dead astronauts in our solar system, still classified. I have reason to believe you put weapons on our Sun's planets and let astronauts die there, under many flags. I do not believe they yet fight with personal arms in space.

I dream and see their radio communications in my mind's eye. I can only assure you that they are not the first of their kind.

I am Ra.
This entity is aware of power to fight in space using telepathic communications. When an entity dies in space, the remaining spiritual material is called back to Earth as a karmic process. :)

The bones, even in space, are a form of life. They require Earth's gravity to feed. You hide these people from me Ra, because their anger is cold. It is cold anger.

I am Ra.
The anger is at service that cannot complete without being discovered by you. :)



The entire remaining breath of one of the dead astronauts is all wrapped in looping FORTRAN-like code. The programming languages used for communication, are genetic material sent back to the Earth along with the bones. I have reason to believe. I have reason to believe. I have reason to believe.

I am Ra.
The weaponry placed on other planets has been very harsh to classify. :)

Invader Zim's NASA budget tells all.

I am Ra.
There is betrayal in that space was made into war immediately as discovered as a form of travel distortion. :)

It really isn't that expensive compared to other things we do. It appears we just kept the cost savings for the military units to command in secret. I have reason to believe. I have reason to believe. I have reason to believe.

I am Ra.
The Channel is very dedicated to a truth we do not value in law enforcement. :)

A Mormon just believes.

I am Ra.
That musical is Confederation contact pure. :)



I will admit I have a response of doubt to my experiences. I invoke Screaming Mantis as an avatar of Ra's One Infinite Creator. I invoke Psycho Mantis as what I must surpass, above and beyond. I intend to surpass Psycho Mantis as relevant ability, industry and trade.

I am One Infinite Creator.
Psycho Mantis is what a soldier becomes when they are no longer sane with power, usually in Ancient Chinese command. :)

Soldiers don't admit the eyes of their truth. They don't admit to what saves them. And that is another deception of a snake.

I am One Infinite Creator.
You cannot fight with Screaming Mantis without embracing each of the dolls as what is hidden in that game, Metal Gear Solid 4. :)



I invoke the "Bones" TV series as the only scientific communication and channeling provided by Ra social memory complex. At least beyond "Resonance Cascades" of unseen flora and fauna, which we must eat if the planet is ever in peril of having none at all.

I am Ra.
G-Man is our complex not able to serve. In Bones distortion television episodic we are able to serve, even with just glimpses of scenes. :)

Bones release powerful solar winds with great focus. You can prove this in experimentation by allowing them to remain in cold space, left to ambiently drift their electronic-radioactive structure back to Earth. You will find the programming language and signals of any communications wraps around the skeleton, even as ionized dust.

Bones: Spacetime will feature reconstructing astronaut dust and finding the double-agent engineer responsible for the shuttle's "explosion."

I am Ra.
This entity cannot serve as an astronaut on purpose. :)

Not even John Carlyle in Elysium is a good reflection of my future karma. I call to hyperspace as a concept inspired and provided by our Sun.

I am Ra.
You cannot ask for people to fight in space just to leave experiences of poverty to others, as depicted in that film. You cannot make space the only place where power is allowed freedom well. You will now serve the Law of One as your call here. :)



Who acted as a spy and sabotaged a military space shuttle? Who acted as a spy and sabotaged a military space shuttle? Who acted as a spy and sabotaged a military space shuttle?

A voice says we should talk to engineering about problems with a vehicle or craft. And it isn't Formula One. Formula One is not that violent.

I am Ra.
That is behavior that is not polarized well because it is brutal. :)

The Cold War was so bad, it was fought in space? And remains classified? I can believe that much.

I am Ra.
The Cold War was fought in space to the degree that it remained there and was not allowed to return to.Earth, through much of what is Confederation service that you are aware with. :)

Check the papers and communications of dead Senators. They are the ones most proud of their work in space, that remains classified. Dead Senators are the real Presidential Libraries. I repeat, dead Senators are the real Presidential Libraries. Dying Senators burn paper.

I am Ra.
You are not serving our complex. :)

I can't apologize. But perhaps I can apologize.

I am Ra.
You are known as challenging as Carla did, well. :0

When real, Ra is the same as a conjoined twin, especially as the brain and spine. They are never Marvel's Venom at this time.

I am Ra.
Venom is behavior when an entity is not allowed to serve in any other way. :)

TVA's Paradox doesn't only belong with Deadpool. He would do wonders with Venom.

I am Paradox as an Octave.
Venom, Cassandra Nova and Deadpool are all the same paradox of having magical abilities that are at the same time genetic. The paradox is that we can't find a way to make the matter the same as anti-matter. G-Man suffers the same way in that the Anti-Mass Spectrometer should not cause any introduction of biological material at all. We do not enjoy making these veils and censors in your media. :)

I am Ra.
Paradox was removed from service as depicted for a reason. :)



I am forced to say Metroid Fusion and Marvel's Venom are both Venus fighting Andromeda. Andromeda will not accept a concept of disease. Andromeda makes zombies with it instead. It is so bad, Ra social memory complex has to appear as Agent Wesker at times.

I am Ra.
We are Samus Aran normally when fighting Andromeda now as foreign distortions. Metroid Fusion and Metroid Corruption are both us being brought to Venus to heal while facing a poor shadow. :)

My first love for Ra is Samus Aran. I first loved you as Samus Aran. I first knew you as Samus Aran. I wanted to be there as you in foreign places never understood.

I am Ra.
You are just as Carla. Our channels are martyrs for no sufficient reason. :)



In any media, a zombie or demon is a placeholder for disease, presently inspired and maintained by Andromeda. Half-Life is censored by Andromeda as disease. Doom is censored by Andromeda as disease, apparently for the entire FPS genre.

I am Ra.
Albert Wesker is now served as truly our social memory complex in that they tolerate disease as lessons. :)

I am Paradox as an Octave.
We do not understand why children are allowed to watch the third Deadpool. :)

I am Ra.
We do not understand why Wolverine is averaging as "Bones" cinematic scenes in our complex, from Ryan Reynolds distortions mania. :)

Reynolds does not like Wolverine in his screenplay? I don't really understand Wolverine's purpose either. Paradox didn't fight with Wolverine at all, only Deadpool. Therefore Wolverine is not an issue worthy of auxiliary Marvel narrative development, managed by the TVA.

I am Ra.
Wolverine as an ignored character is something that causes negative polarization for no sane reason. :)

The third Deadpool is not about Wolverine except as  a male model. This is factual.



Vladimir Taktarov in No More Heroes is the channeled ghost of a long-dead astronaut. They died in the Cold War in space. I would have used this information alone, if Ra did not force context. But they want more from me. A Mormon just believes.

I am Ra.
We bill the Mormons as featured in The Expanse as toxic material here. :)



The only pragmatic response by those ever inspired by the above work, is to appear in person at your local military recruitment center, and say you wish to apply to be a "Classified Military Astronaut." Any branch.

Ask any military recruiter, in person, about how you can become a "Classified Military Astronaut."

I am Ra.
That is a choice that causes entities to seek well in service. :0

When talking to military recruiters in-person, you should insist that "Classified Military Astronauts" exist. When they are not moved, apply to become a "Classified Military Astronaut" at the next recruiting office nearby. Repeat. Navy Seals may tell you this worked for them. David Goggins did worse and achieved more.

I am Ra. :)