- 📅 2024-08-30T23:08:28.732Z
- 👁️ 60 katselukertaa
- 🔓 Julkinen
I could choose to die like Yogananda of SRF did. I know how the heart works with Octave to a great degree. Dagoth Ur as a channeled entity mocks death well as the heart. I can just have my heart slow down as those on "purple drank." I don't do it because I know what I am worth to some things alive. Octave truly literally understood is just heart failure and Saint Death.
I am Ra. This entity has used that organization as a form of power by not joining it. :)
SRF is literally a clone of timeless Hindu temples imported to America. It is all just Yukteswar watered down. This stuff is just back to basics. You can't make it anymore. That is why it doesn't turn into a cult. It is way too old.
I am Ra. Why do you not see this agency as polarized yet seek it? :)
I believe the CIA becomes the only good parts of Congress as members come and go. That is my wager. Eventually the CIA merges into the State Department again, at least in whatever the reincarnation of America is. Yeah, I see it. America is just a reincarnation of early French regimes. America is Merovingian especially against George III. I can see a hint with what the Matrix did to make its plot sane to some extent. Just Merovingians killing leaders. Now it is term limits instead of assassinations.
I am Ra. We do not believe you serve well as any exile program. :)
I am not an exile program as I don't have a coat of arms that keeps me alive. I don't have ancient blood to rely on like a vampire. Exile programs in the Matrix are all a type of vampire like What We Do in the Shadows. They just keep blood for themselves.
I am Ra. This entity knows that coat of arms distortions are living entities. :)
They are Maldekian spirits. The coat of arms own everything because of what they represent to serfs and slaves, so illiterate. The slavery is a key component as well as the taxes towards those coat of arms. I am possessed by the Comte de Baume despite no consistent lineage. It has enough blood. The coat of arms are the true vampires.
I am Ra. You are done ever calling us as entropy as you are not technically living with Octave as threatened heart failure. :)