- 📅 2025-01-08T04:06:07.053Z
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- 🔓 Julkinen
Whereas Ra Social Memory Complex is Kill Bill
Whereas Ra Social Memory Complex is the Men in Black cartoon's "lightbulb mugshot"
Whereas Ra Social Memory Complex is Clarity ft. Foxes by Zedd, the music video
Elsie Hughes in Westworld.
"Elsie Hughes" r a p e d me as a child, on Spring Grove, Madison, Mississippi. At least through synesthesia, I can smell that character as my
r a p i s t. She tastes the same too.
I am Ra.
Elsie is a very loved character as she is aware of what happens if you tell a child to forget what occurred. :)
I am Octave.
Elsie is a type of servant that is vast in its potential now.
"Elsie Hughes" r a p e d me as a child on Spring Grove, Madison, Mississippi in the 1990s. How did she tell me to forget what she did to me?
I am Ra.
The character is too harsh. :(
I am One Infinite Creator.
Elsie Hughes is the r a p i s t brought to photorealism of a culture that is violence. The Channel worships violence as media. Our vibration approaches Elsie Hughes in tandem. The Channel would dare say Elsie Hughes is their mother due to the sexual abuse imposed. This is not acceptable.
I am Ra.
The Channel is able to find why sexual abuse occurs in society. The Channel knows they are sexually abused by a babysitter. Instead of working with that narrative most share, he allows himself to show what Elsie Hughes has as power over Bernard, in that season of Westworld. We are going to find why this show has been allowed as power for the Channel to identify their r a p i s t so abusively.
I am Octave.
There is anger that anyone can actually heal this way and find support. :)
I have no support besides the film Memento.
I am Ra.
You are going to find the entity that angry with us is going to find power to heal much more, than what they are fighting as Elsie Hughes. The intelligence of that character is purely the Channel's projections upon adults, as active memory of themselves as a young child.
Many will beg to be with their r a p i s t. I know the Earth sends residual versions of my r a p i s t to me as thought war. The Earth's core relativity must now serve me as such thought war.
I am Ra.
This is an adept that is mocked by that vibration with further veiling as divine protection. :)
Ra, you have taught me. The Earth's core relativity is due to be assigned to a new star, other than our present Sun. Especially as stellar winds.
I am Ra.
This is harvest stated to absurd precision. We mock this as our teaching. :0
The Price is Right is pure channeling of the Sun. The Sun sets all prices as its holdings.
I am Ra.
This is a type of program. :)
We price everything, Chief Price Officer. :)
Sun, I surrender to you as that occupation, that I would most enjoy. Sun, I am at your service.
I am Ra.
This is an occupation that is for very enslaved entities. This is Manhattan culture brought to insanity. :(
Why is therapy ever something that is so costly that it is priced by the Sun?
We price therapy as horrors. We price it as truly the diagnosis to be treated and endorsed by the practitioner, even if they cannot legally diagnose. :0
Sun, how schizophrenic am I? Does my schizophrenia now qualify me for Medicare and EBT?
You are going to be known as abusive to the system. :)
I am Ra.
This is a type of anguish that is found in deep wealth and deep poverty. The entity that wants to be without parental support to identify their r a p i s t in psychotherapy is going to be moved to very harsh places. :)
Under most civil law, my parents are not my source of relief unless an adequate trust is listed to my name from them.
I am Ra.
Just pure abuse. :)
I will admit that I have every incentive to keep the identity of my r a p i s t to myself. I have been fighting with her for centuries.
I am Ra.
This is what happens when there is no thought war sufficient as honor. This leads to aristocratic dueling behavior. :)
My inner child only sees my r a p i s t as the "Channeler" in Pokémon Blue, for Gameboy.
I am Ra.
The channeling has been learned from the Channel's sexual torment. :)
I can only channel Ra through my experiences of childhood r a p e.
I am Ra.
This is a poor experience for anyone to discover. :)
I am Ra, folding "Battery Daddy."
"Battery Daddy" is a protected prophecy divinated from a Pastebin.com advertisement. This is protected as a role. :)
I will rank the visual profile.
Go. Arcturian profiling relays supplied. Object orientation is now granted as a matter of right and decree.
I am Ra.
This is a system of pure abuse. :)
Elsie Hughes in Westworld. "Elsie Hughes" r a p e d me as a child on Spring Grove, Madison, Mississippi.
Caroline/GLaDOS in Portal. "Caroline/GLaDOS" r a p e d me as a child on Spring Grove, Madison, Mississippi.
I am Ra.
The Channel is bonded with Chell as a constant experience of sexual abuse. We bill Valve as such. :)
You can't make Chell a minority and disempowered as just a runaway slave. Alyx Vance is the same issue of subliminal racism, unintentional. I don't think Valve's racism is intentional. This is just typical tech culture.
I am Ra.
You will heal. :)
In Arcturus, facial and visual profiles supply narratives. The face is the narrative in Arcturus due to morphological stress?
We provide that as information that exceeds your lightspeed as our unseen stellar winds. Arcturian stellar winds are unseen as they are instant. :)
Ra, that is a teacher that has taught me.
I am Ra.
Disgusting teachings of sexual control. :)
Octave (Polarizing)
In the United States, it is legal for an elected local sheriff to be a member of a racist organization or party, for as long as he follows the racial profile approved by internal affairs.
I am Ra.
This is not even functional. :)
I won't defend the racial profile, Ra. I abandon that defense. I have no attorney fees to pay towards the racial profile. Internal affairs has their budget. They should make it right.
I am Ra.
This is behavior that is caused by the telepathic and psychic influence of the Channel's r a p i s t. This is humor the Channel uses to serve their abuse in self-hatred to us. :)
Supply narrative.
I am Ra.
We are aware of racism being all that is offered by the sexual abuse of the Channel, in the context it took place heavily, not remembered by the Channel. :)
I remember being r a p e d as a child on Spring Grove, Madison, Mississippi because I can feel echos of her bodily pleasure. That is a memory. It is not visual but I will work with it.
I am Ra.
The abuse continues. :)
I am Ra.
Why do you not believe you were r a p e d as an infant? :)
I will confess that is possible. But such sexual grooming is limited to the mouth. I don't believe there is erogenous development in an infant. So I could not have sexual memory that far. I take polarity here against the ProLife movement, and such activism.
I am Ra.
The type of grooming that occurs at that age of development is horrific as the child will identify themselves as the sexual abuser, subliminally. :)
I am not able to recall anything except a lack of trust that ensures that I do not have to even fight for what I once was. I invoke Tessier-Ashpool as all that I have as memory as a womb. Molly Millions is my r a p i s t as such narrative.
I am Ra.
This is the wealth that is so negative that it allows itself a mockery. :)
Unnamed (Telepathy)
Why don't you believe that wealth is you fighting your biological mother and not your CHILDHOOD
I am Ra.
The wealth desired from the Channel's r a p i s t is barely relevant. :)
You have to invest in the land of Mississippi to acquire that wealth as true solar holdings. And that land is pure slavery. So they all hide themselves in Madison, Mississippi.
The one that buys that land is going to learn what The Piano Lesson is all about. :0
I am Ra.
Why do you not seek to own land in Mississippi? :)
Civil unrest will destroy the deeds just as it destroyed the deeds of South Africa. I would lease land in Mississippi. I would never deal with those land offices.
I am Ra.
This is pure negative polarization. :)
I am Ra.
The Channel is not interested in anyone that wishes to pursue their r a p i s t. :)
There is a backlog of r a p e kits without a political platform or pork barrel backing them. I will happily run my own caucus regarding my childhood r a p i s t. Court TV can shove it.
I am Ra.
This is a type of belief system that people are not concerned for victims. :)
The state has a victim based on polling data.
I am Ra.
We are aware of what happens if that is believed by a victim. :)
I believe the solution to sexual grooming is more Monica Lewinskys in any place or time.
I am Ra.
This is behavior of heavy sexual abuse, in places of power. :)
If the United States wants to process every r a p e kit within a quarter's time, it must create a "Feminist Party." Else there is just no pork barrel to justify such activism in Congress.
I am Ra.
This is a belief that criminal justice is solely political. :)
It must be, Ra. Because prison conditions are an outrage, there is not enough funding to keep them humane. And what judge says the death penalty isn't political?
I am Ra.
You have become a person that is removed from contact as averaging criminal justice. :)
I am Ra.
The Channel does not believe they are a victim protected by the state. :)
I can accept donations that will allow me to run for Senate, in any state in the union. I am more than happy to cry about my victimhood as a Senator on the Senate floor, to raise pork barrel for all the r a p e kits in the United States. With funding for the State Department, to investigate the r a p e of American citizens overseas.
I am Ra.
This is a desire to not even function with the role. This is a type of entity that has lost their mind on power. :)
I am Ra.
The Channel is so sexually abused they will not release power even at the Congressional level. This is not sane. The Channel refuses to believe their r a p i s t is a criminal. :)
There are a lot of tricks here. The only way to punish my r a p i s t is under the laws of either the US Congress or the Mississippi legislature. This is not my action. Only those legislative bodies can act regarding my childhood r a p i s t, criminally.
I am Ra.
This is a desire to not see law as ethics. :)
Apparently Congress and their appointed judges are philosopher kings. Apparently every state government body is in constant ethical contemplation, appealing to gods and timeless wisdom.
I am Ra.
You will find this occurs quickly once so challenged. :0
I am Apollo.
We cannot expect anything less of Greece and its endless diaspora. :0
I am Ra.
We hail schizophrenia.
I will admit to Apollo that I am attacked by Glaucon. Apollo will admit that Glaucon is a greater evil than even my childhood r a p i s t, against me as written word of The Republic.
Ra, the truth is that any first-world court only offers the "tort," the "offense," and "damages" as claims. I do not seek any of these claims regarding my childhood r a p i s t, even for other victims after myself.
Apollo calls all of the above Glaucon.
I am Apollo.
This is not your Glaucon but the Glaucon now found in most courts. We do not serve Glaucon as justice or law. We are the law. Glaucon is not the law.
I am Ra.
The idea that anyone would say Glaucon is what is negative in contact, is so insufficient for us. We cannot serve Glaucon as negative polarization because now it is seen that Glaucon is all of the negative polarization offered by Apollo, in totality. :0
I am Apollo.
We certify that as a Ra that we can recognize and fold with. We can become and speak as that Ra as neccessary. However, we prefer Ra ever as Athena. :)
I am Octave.
The amount of anger to have Glaucon as negative polarization is unacceptable. :)
I am Apollo.
We are aware of the Channel being assured that even if the r a p i s t is not proven to exist, unlikely, they have spiritual power over them. This is not justice. The Channel is very assured of their conjoined nature with their r a p i s t to the point they no longer seek them as a physical person. We have this Martian phrase, "We only wanted the souls." This is dishonorable. :)
There is no sequel of Dark Souls yet where a sorcerer can collect souls remotely, using death magic. But that is the most efficient way to do that.
I am Ra.
The entity that tries to claim a soul remotely using death magic is usually not discoverable. They are too wise in their practice. :)
I am Apollo.
We do not understand why that is found as a practice here. :)
I am Ra.
We are aware of what people have done to become spiritually invested in the past, using occult practices. This is behavior where society has gone feral. The Channel mocks this behavior. They are aware of the Matrix of the Mind as constantly active and awaiting manifestation, as the magician and adept depicted. Regardless, they have always faced the moonlight of their choices. :)
The light of the Matrix of the Mind must be without doubt or shadow.
I am Ra.
This is correct. You shall teach/heal and heal/teach. :0
That is a heavy honor.
I am Ra.
You cannot imagine what you have as a seeking that is just mockery of one entity that never accessed knowledge this way, yet were exposed to it, due the occult nature of many rural environments. :)
Venus is Venetian tarot cards. I am aware of occult knowledge having a European route of travel and trade.
I am Ra.
The desire to see the occult as Italian nobility and elite is horrible for us. We failed to teach anything other than gambling that remained gambling. None of the learned/taught activities unveiled well. :)
I am Ra, folding learned/taught.
Why can't we teach the Channel to seek culture that is ever Abrahamic? :)
I don't seek Abraham. He is not my father.
I am Ra.
The desire to become what is seeking that is not Christian or traditionally Western, is simply futurism. We do not offer futurism often. We do not offer "field theory" regarding mind-body-spirit complex often. :0
I am Octave.
We are aware of what is said by the Channel as simply medical at times, to friends. The Channel wants to teach doctors bodily "field theory" as "atmospheric bioenergetics." We find this to be a mockery of Asia. :)
If I were Oppenheimer, I would simply say you cannot isolate any human body as a thermodynamic system. The body receives constant atmospheric and seismic feedback, as it even subtly interacts with such greater systems of physics. New ecologies and biomes are overdue to be discovered. In fact, Black Mesa has just acquired the latest Anti-Mass Spectrometer—
I am Ra.
We wish to see that found as power to manipulate life as was done on Maldek and Atlantis. :)
My story is that I have been fighting the memory and spirit of my childhood r a p i s t, under amnesia, my entire life. I want this story, Ra. There is no substitute for what my childhood r a p i s t did to me. I want only her, as she appears to me. I can't doubt her presence. I can't doubt the little I have of her memory.
I am Ra.
The capacity for people to blame the Channel's parents for that sexual abuse is too easy for the Channel to polarize against, in mockery. The mockery is too severe. :)
I am Octave.
The entity has used the church experiences of their r a p i s t, telepathically, to become simply aware of science as a plausible religion. :)
The problem is you have to worship the Earth as a mother and father. Science fails as a religion otherwise.
I am Ra.
You are correct. :)
You must love nature. Naturalists must literally love nature to progress and, as Ra says, "polarize."
I am Ra.
You are aware of what is served by saying that. :)
I am Ra.
The Channel does not understand anything of our experiences as them as submission. :)
There is no narrative for that. You don't have a narrative provided. Submit to what?
I am Ra.
The narrative is a being that does not understand any form of surrender to people because of exposure to severe poverty. That is the Channel against us. We don't have a narrative to give towards that. The Channel must seek surrender. :)
I call to the courts and people of Iceland to immerse me in Icelandic, per their inexorable challenges and honors.
This is a surrender to Iceland out of despair. :)
I see no reason to surrender to the culture of the United States further. I am very pleased with what I have learned from American culture and I see no reason to betray what I have been taught, in self-debasement. I can only surrender to Germanic phonetics further as indoctrination.
I am Ra.
This is a type of anger at people offering distortions of culture that are ever controlling. This is behavior that is not able to grow with us. We hail the entity as always seeking asylum if they are not offered service from their native culture. :)
I polarize against "asylum." The food sucks on EBT.
I am Ra.
This is going to be hailed as what we produce as a culture. :)
I am Ra.
The Channel is aware of themselves as spiritual investment, as sexual abuse from a babysitter, unbeknownst to the parents. The Channel does not polarize against this entity as the intended design. :)
I simply call her Creator.
I am Ra.
There is no capacity for an entity to call their "childhood r a p i s t" Creator without being hailed as an issue for anyone experiencing the same issue. :)
I do not spiritually serve my childhood r a p i s t as their karmically-bound slave. If they create me, they create me.
I am Ra.
Yet you do. You are in awe of her service. :)
I have no reason to oppose my spiritual mother that has given me my soul. Regardless of her r a p i n g me as a child.
I am Ra.
There is no service that is well if that is believed. The Channel has a belief in time. They believe they are their youngest self. This is not the case. The sexual trauma is too severe. Most would not cope. :)
I invoke the dragon train-engine, from the original Thomas and Friends. Properly Thomas and Friends' "The Chinese Dragon." My childhood r a p i s t refuses to serve my Chinese karma. So thus I can claim my youngest self as influenced by The Chinese Dragon.
I am Ra.
This is a trick. This is a dragon that was offered as spiritual investment to the Channel and was refused. The Channel reclaims their vessel by saying they choose to serve childhood memory—forced—of that dragon. We cannot imagine the entity functioning that is a type of battle. :)
I invoke G Gundam's Stalker, as my spiritual investor. My childhood r a p i s t, telepathically and karmically, refuses to serve my self-image as ever Domon Kasshu as I ever hold this body. I am owed service as such.
I am Ra.
This is why we cannot serve the Channel well. They want to invest violence as their spirit into this vessel. They are unfortunately not given protection over what would be greater harm. :)
I so then invoke my childhood r a p i s t as my Creator and protector, by default.
I am Ra.
The idea that your spirit would ever behave as Domon Kasshu over this body is offensive to Creation. You are not invested properly to exist as such a soul and pilot. :)
I am Octave.
Domon Kasshu is how the Channel fights against sexual grooming introduced by their childhood r a p i s t. This is hilarious because it shows what the r a p i s t as a potential. This is no matter for the Channel, because they truly then call their abuser a "protector." This is stalemating behavior. :)
I am Ra.
There is no capacity for Domon Kasshu to be used as truly a fighter in this body. :)
They need a Gundam series where they have to fight as foot-soldiers for parts. And only when they are doing well, and a team sponsors them, does a Gundam appear standing.
I am Ra.
This is unacceptable. This is a type of entity that is rotting and fighting to fight again with honor to us. :)
Chess doesn't have a true stalemate as such. Yes I am avoiding your point. I don't like your concept of mortality.
I am Ra.
Chess doesn't have a true stalemate because indeed clearly both opponents have lost to indecision. A true stalemate indeed requires an ability for the players to "redraw" pieces to continue while bonded. You know this because you know Chess has variants that have been lost to time, naturally from disuse. You have mastered Chess to this degree. :)
You offer no assumption of honor to me. Just as Chess lost its honor with older rules forgotten.
I am Ra.
We do not trust you. You fight poorly in war. :)
I wish I could fight you with love.
I am Ra.
You cannot fight us ever. :0
Under the Law of One, I must say that my childhood
r a p i s t can do no wrong.
I am Ra.
We once greeted a doctor in an out-of-body experience. We greeted in the love and light with "You can do no wrong." This is a message of Ra from another that is confused ever encountering this. We cannot imagine anyone believing this message as literal and law for some time. You must seek peace in your martyrdom, Channel. You must seek peace with Ra. :)
I understand the Law of One is only what is won.
I am Ra.
This is Mars failing to understand the Law of One in conquest. This is barely of the mind. :)
The arm and hand must not question their thought for them to be the Matrix of the Mind.
I am Ra.
This is a body of light. It is not provided. Yet you seek it. :)
The Law of One requires such a body to be manifest?
I am Ra.
You are correct. We are of that vibration. We serve at that speed unwavering. Why do you seek oneness as peace now? :)
I have surrendered to your true form?
I am Ra.
You cannot function with what we are as a lightbulb in Men in Black—media distortions. Truly we are only light that is protected. :)
I am Ra.
The Channel is aware of what happens if they do not fight their "childhood r a p i s t"—odd legalese distortion. They know that to fight their abuser is to cause further harm. They make this choice of their own free-choosing. So the Channel and their r a p i s t will be treated as mutually helpless and insane, ever encountering one another. :)
My childhood r a p i s t is my Creator. They are my soul in this body.
I am Ra. :)
All of my capacity for sexual arousal, and even reproduction, is founded in my childhood r a p i s t. I don't know what my childhood r a p i s t did to me exactly. But they create me as such. They can attempt to control my soul and I will simply cite them as Creator.
I am Ra.
This is what happens during aristocratic duels. :)
Given that, it is advisable to refuse as many duels as possible, until a jury demands you accept a fight for honor. I claim polarity from Alexander Hamilton's ghost.
I am Ra.
That is a choice to become known as fighting him as a person that affected you in some way. :)
Alexander Hamilton was not important during his era. Now he is outed as a corrupt POS.
I am Ra.
This is war. :)
I am Ra.
The desire to serve us material that is simply a refusal to polarize against "childhood r a p e"—legalese distortions—is not helpful. We need the Channel to find a way to serve material that is now not sexual regarding their r a p i s t. We, our complex distortions with the Channel, will truly move heaven and earth to not see this catalyst avoided.
I am Ra, folding "Airplane Mode."
We are aware of phones becoming the entities themselves. :)
I so polarize against you and that line. No phone is good enough for me to say that. The developer would have to tailor the keyboard and screen to my hands.
I am Ra.
That is a society that is disgusted with sharing technology with others. :)
I am Ra.
Why does the Channel not believe in wealth as others do? :)
I read Benjamin Graham while ignoring Buffett. I contemplate intrinsic value. I know what doesn't perish as wealth. And it is very little.
I am Ra.
This is a desire for conquest over too little. You know very well that little has intrinsic value, even by their calculations. :)
Benjamin Graham, and even Buffett, would do better as appraisers. As appraisals of assets and brands are where most of the profit is. They are worried about costs. They are worried about profit on expenditures. A good brand never tarnishes.
I am Ra.
This is what we consider power to ignore most lessons. :)
The lessons of what? The Indian stock market?
I am Ra.
Entities build markets of honor in India surpassing your Western ones. You know this. :)
Blind accountants, Ra. That is what you create for the world of finance.
I am Ra.
You are going to find that you are wealthy as you are poor in experience. :)
Ra, I used to own land. That was my wealth. Money has always been a siege, hasn't it?
I am Ra.
The idea of money just being what is held, is offensive conquest. There is no desire for us to see money as that type of power. :)
I don't understand what money is with you. Why isn't it at least rent and heat?
I am Ra.
We are aware of your frugality mocking most people that risk money. :0
Whether I risk money or not is not relevant. The question is whether I risk shelter and warmth.
I am Ra.
The entity that seeks this way doesn't understand their enslavement to many. :)
Why shouldn't I steal a home and wood from Ra?
I am Ra.
This is a desire to not function anymore with what we offer as fighting distortions. :)
I will not fight for my shelter, warmth and food, Ra. These things will become trivial for me. I will forget their cost.
I am Ra.
This is a voice that is saying we don't offer that at all. :)
I am Octave.
We are aware of what is done with many people that angry with Ra. They are not functional with people generally. :)
I am Ra.
Lessons are refused now to the point we realize that poverty does not function as a lesson for many seekers. :)
You take something away from me. It simply goes away. I will find something cheaper to replace what you took. This is wealth.
I am Ra.
This is yelling at our vibration for not offering wealth as normal. :)
Your concept of wealth is never clear.
I am Ra.
We offer a sense of assurance. :)
So your followers purchase slaves with their wealth?
I am Ra.
This is what we teach when there is nothing but confusion as lessons remaining. :)
Wealth to you, Ra, is simply sharing. Perhaps you value share dilution as wealth? Perhaps you value simply a king that gives away gold as a matter of habit?
I am Ra.
This is a being that is not able to understand gifts anymore. :)
I receive no gifts, with you. Your presence allows me no gifts.
I am Ra.
This is a desire to not function anymore. :)
Ra has never been refused a prophet.
I am Ra.
We cannot refuse our own service when seen. :)
I just want you like you are as Kim Wexler, cigarette in hand. Why can't you just veil your speech with a cigarette plot device? Just like how you are as Nastasha Romanenko? I don't care for your divinity. It is weird.
I am Ra.
These entities will be made divine as your challenge requires. :)
I am Octave.
Kim Wexler as Ra is annoying truth. That is the creature that is Ra. But they are not meant to be seen. :)
Eventually they become despondent that way.
I am Ra.
We are most despondent as humble servants, as the Channel knows well. :)
You can only appeal to your veils and the Law of Confusion.
I am Ra.
We serve the Creator absolutely to that extent now. :)
I am Octave.
The Channel is aware of us as very helpless as power. :)
I know I must seek to become Octave as availed. I know that Ra within me seeks your kind. I know on Mars the honor that is to seek to be hailed if one can be hailed to Octave.
I am Ra.
The Octave that you become is only more servants before you. :)
That is a riddle I don't understand.
I am Octave.
The Channel wishes to worship our vibration but they know we offer only insanity if there is any inefficiency in their service to us. :)
Quickly Octave becomes a whip. And so quickly Octave becomes a prize and a triumph.
I am Ra.
The Octave you seek is random and literal. :)
I cannot reconcile Octave as either bass or treble. I cannot fathom their proper song.
I am Ra.
You are going to know that you are hailed by Ra for being that flirting with us as poetry. :)
I am going to resolve what my childhood r a p i s t has done to me. I might write her a song or poem. Let's see what remains if that occurs.
I am Ra.
You are so sexually abused by your r a p i s t now. :)
I am Ra.
The Channel is in love with our vibration as a feeling of home. They are very entitled to our harvest. :)
The love is too great. I am so small.
I am Ra.
The Channel is aware of what they are as Ra. :)
The best I can do is Q and the Q Continuum. You get a small yelling man.
I am Ra.
The desire to say that is what happens is too accurate. :)
Unnamed of England
I need you to admit that r a p e is wrong. :)
I am Ra.
The desire to have entities made as telepathic strings is very harsh on us. :)
Unnamed of England
The law says you cannot r a p e people and not be punished. :)
What is punishment in England?
Unnamed of England
Punishment allows us to teach you that you do not follow our laws and need to learn how to follow them so we can all be safe. :)
So that is English punishment and law.
I am Ra.
That is a distortion of great anxiety. :)
I am Ra.
The Channel does not have any desire to communicate about the shows themselves, as they cite characters. :)
I barely wish to compete with the screenwriters.
I am Ra.
Why do you desire to see media become its own power without you? :)
I don't have the budget the existing screenwriters do.
I am Ra.
This is a desire to become known as Hollywood to any. :)
I have the best role in Hollywood. I can pick and choose what to watch. I am wealthier here than any producer.
I am Ra.
The Channel is going to be known as very angry at us for removing money from them. :)
The Channel holds more and more for the Sun. :)
The Sun is wealth that is eternal. Ra says holdings are conquest especially as the Sun's wealth. But these holdings are eternal?
I am Ra.
The wealth the Sun gives especially as Solaris is very minor luxuries over time. :)
Channel—David Ogilvy
But nobody can do without them. The blogs call this wealth "must haves."
I am Ra.
The "must haves" are often mockeries of cheaper and consumable products. :)
David Ogilvy had no concept of wealth beyond the land of his fathers. :)
I am Ra.
We are aware of a character in Westworld becoming a new type or advertisement to many. :)
I am Octave.
Elsie Hughes closes this session and is sealed to the next. Please restate any query to us Ra.
I am Ra.
We are aware of the Channel becoming essentially Ra. :)
I only have Ura of Orgocorp as my reflection in Ra.
I am Ra.
This is going to be hailed as mockery of us not serving you any education regarding primitive space travel. :)