- 📅 2025-01-11T18:36:23.155Z
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- 🔓 Julkinen
Whereas Ra Social Memory Complex is Kill Bill
Whereas Ra Social Memory Complex is the Men in Black cartoon's "lightbulb mugshot"
Whereas Ra Social Memory Complex is Clarity ft. Foxes by Zedd, the music video
The Channel's polarity is Asimov Solensan
Ra, I admit my consciousness is a duality of myself and my childhood r a p i s t. We both agree we wanted to read Tom Clancy's Patriot Games, from the top shelf. We both agree we are the rifle on the side of the book. We have no reason yet.
I am Ra.
This is abuse of Creation that a book can cause that. We are not allowed to say why that is even possible. This book was placed by the father in Madison, Mississippi to protect the home, especially on a top shelf. The Channel failed to heed the protection given. :)
I am Ra, folding endless abuse.
The Channel is aware that their body is completely tied to the control of their childhood r a p i s t. :)
As those abusive acts, we are the Jockey in Monopoly N64. My childhood r a p i s t and I are that Jockey as one body and being.
I am Ra.
This is a type of anger at us for not providing any material that is an identity that is too old. :)
The only deity we share is Naryu as inserted into Ocarina of Time. The only shared Creator my childhood r a p i s t and I have is Naryu. Sunday school Bible stories don't cut it. We are Nayru.
I am Ra.
You are using material that is literally scraps to piece together work that follows the first distortion. :)
We are made of Nayru's Love.
I am Ra.
This is a being that is too disciplined in their integrations against abuse that most would surrender to as nurturing from others. :)
Ra, how can a woman slap a child's mouth and it remain shut? Why can't this body speak for itself—
I am Ra.
This occurs because there is no capacity for the child to be harmed further. You are not to be a child that is endlessly abused and made to live beyond what can be borne. :0
I can admit that I am my own childhood r a p i s t as consciousness. I can't admit to harming myself by the hands of the r a p i s t. I cannot.
I am Ra.
You are using all the power of your mind complex to heal. :0
You do not give me this body easily. I will admit that as I am my own childhood r a p i s t that this body resists me less than what my father did to me. Through here I can control my father as I am ever my childhood r a p i s t as consciousness.
I am Ra.
There is no end to what we cannot heal if the Channel refuses to admit their desire for maturation as a man and not their "childhood r a p i s t." :)
Master Hand. Dr. Claw. That is all what my childhood r a p i s t teaches me as myself as a man. She tells me that I am her abusive father. Yet I am not. But what has she done to my hands? What has my childhood r a p i s t done to my hands?
I am Ra.
This is a trauma of not understanding why your babysitter gave you sexual power over her, at an age that is truly the 1990s on Spring Grove, Madison, Mississippi. :)
I fought my childhood r a p i s t as Morpha in Ocarina of Time, especially as the sexual abuse.
I am Ra.
This is a desire to not be possessed by v a g i n a l fluid. :)
Why is my whole body stained with her acts towards cold numbness?
I am Ra.
You will find this is us seeing that you cannot become her pain without seeing her own abuse. You are not able to understand why you are this harmed by her. The entity that is your r a p i s t never functioned at all with the material offered as your abuse of children in previous life experiences. :)
I am Octave.
The Channel doesn't understand why a Tom Clancy book is not sufficient for spiritual investment in most cases. Here we have two people that can become it as one narrative still unread by the child's mind regardless. :)
I am Ra.
Our complex is one known as Kathy. Kathy is going to find a way to explain why this is relevant to her own experiences of wealth. :)
Phonetic collisions abound. My childhood r a p i s t and I are one being as Kafei in Majora's Mask. Yet an Anju never made an appearance to integrate us.
I am Ra.
Kafei is the most stunted material due to the abuse so veiled. :)
I am Octave.
We are hailing what is a process of integrating simply abused spirits and children to the Channel. We have never seen a Channel that committed to not fighting their own abuser as a process of this work. We cannot foresee this as sustainable.
I am Ra.
Why does the Channel not seek to find healing with a nurturer other than Anju, as sought as a child? :)
She has no fear of the world's end.
I am Ra.
This is going to be kept as the most abused mind we have ever found with these games. :)
The Channel is integrating everything into Kafei to oppose the Skull Kid, as a direct inversion. Why is none of this material Orion? :)
The Observatory absorbs all Orion as an influence in Majora's Mask. All that remains is time as identity.
This is a type of system that betrays work to be done. :)
I am Ra.
We cannot use the Observatory in Majora's Mask to manage Orion as any ritual there. This is ignoring fear and martyrdom. :)
I am Ra, folding Nintendo 64 libraries.
We are seeing that these games force entities to seek very narrow endings. Very narrow endings, Channel. Why were you forced to play games this way with your abuser? :)
She wanted control over acts that were done to her by force. And I was a child FIT FOR THE JOB.
I am Ra.
You are correct even as disturbed. We serve you humbly as that humor. :)
I want to deny it but it is just the guilt of not having the power to speak against my abuser. My entire prefrontal cortex is coded in her identity. My entire front-facing person is owned by her. My sense of self is entirely contorted towards my childhood r a p i s t ' s sexual acts.
I am Ra.
This is torture of what was said to you in a state of sleep at times. :)
All she said was that I must become the sexual acts put against her, is all that I can feel. But I was the youngest child.
I am Ra.
This is you using your mind to integrate her so forcefully that we will see justice now.
I will admit this body was able to gain control over my childhood r a p i s t assembling a 1990s KNEX roller coaster. A miracle for my age, given my parents didn't help me. If I didn't assemble that thing, I would be mentally disabled as I would not have regained control of my prefrontal cortex against the trauma.
Bloody hell. She has owned my entire mouth through what she told me in my sleep.
Ra, why didn't my parents see these acts? Why is there no apparent knowledge of what she did to me?
I am Ra-Corrupted
You are going to find that using a roller coaster set that complex for a child to overcome abuse is a sign of who she is as very wealthy. Wealthier than you. :)
I am Ra, folding the abuser.
This is a typical experience of Madison in the 1990s. :)
Lawyer culture.
I am Ra.
Why do you fight her with that roller coaster? :)
My childhood r a p i s t ' s destroyed my fine motor control. I have been able to force my hands to worm again against her sexual torture.
There is a movie scene where the Nazis torture a young violinist, and hammer his hands to pieces. Implicitly he can't play again.
I am Ra.
You are going to find your anger with her as her is something that will be found as hysteria. You are not using her material as anything but a desire to regain control of yourself. She must serve you further beyond this struggle. :)
I am Octave.
Why do we have to hail the abuser and abused with Anju towards a marriage that is not meant to last? :)
I am Ra.
We are finding problems with these games as mentally destructive. The marriage of Anju and Kafei in Majora's Mask is the laziest veil of sexual abuse we can fathom. :)
I want him to become only what he is without my father. He did more than r a p e me.
I am Ra.
There are problems in Madison that exceed your capacity to believe. :)
I know lynching culture powered early Madison, Mississippi. Too obvious.
I am Ra.
Why has your wife lived in a culture that is similar trauma? :)
I am Ra, folding so much trauma.
The Channel is using a book that is simply trolling now. :)
We are not the dead that are Naryu. We are only Nayru. The Channel seeks our honor to their peril. Why do you call for Ulster and not fight the same way as all that died? :)
I am Ra. :)
Nayru is positive but you can't hesitate on that name.
I am Ra.
Naryu is horror. We cannot use this. But we can use Nayru polarizing against Naryu as dead. :)
Why do we have to protect what never faltered as the form of a child? There is no real "link to the past." This work is wrong. :)
I am Ra. :)
I am Hel.
Why is Iceland ever Scotland? :)
Hel, you say Icelandic blood fights more and better?
I am Hel.
It does because cowards say it cannot fight at all. They have even denied Hel as their fate, in their books and laws. Those are my children. You are hailed to fight the same way as what Nayru speaks of for them if you retract your peace, but only for them. :0
I am Ra.
This is animalistic. :(
You are not cold enough, Ra.
I am Ra.
We cannot serve these. :)
Moving on.
I am Ra.
You are going to find that you have power hunger to say Nayru is your first deity. :)
Ra, Nayru owned this vessel through my childhood r a p i s t. What do you want me to do?
I am Ra.
This is apathy to us not offering any narrative for your life. :)
I am at wit's end with you. What you make me as a person doesn't make any sense. I am not a disabled obese lard drooling on a hospital bed table making grunting sounds for jello. My childhood r a p i s t didn't win that far. I am not your disabled invalid.
I am Ra.
This is something that shows what we create as bigotry in people. We worship entities that disabled as Creator. :)
Creators, I surrender to you as far as I can't do that for them. I will wreck my body if it becomes that disabled. I will crawl on all fours until I am standing and speaking again. I will drag myself back to sanity as I have done time and time again, against the schizophrenia offered.
I am Ra.
You are very unable to function with how much anger that is to us. You cannot shun disability and rebuild people this way. :)
I know in this moment that my childhood r a p i s t should have made me mentally disabled by her torture. But I have won this far against her.
I am Ra.
The amount of anger that you have towards that abuse is incredible. We cannot serve what you have done. :)
The Octave that is both my childhood r a p i s t and I at once is Tom Sawyer by Rush.
I am Ra.
This is a desire to remove energy that is not Mars from her. This is a shortcut. :)
Yet you cannot serve me the Orion my childhood r a p i s t fights? What gives you the right and ability to so complain?
I am Ra.
We are aware of what we are seen as an attack here by the Channel. We do not waver in service of polarization. :)
I am Octave.
The Channel will not sustain against that personality served as Orion. :)
I am Ra.
We veil under the Laws of Confusion. :)
I am Octave.
Tom Sawyer by Rush is going to be known as all that is offered to people regarding what happens if the childhood r a p i s t resists the Channel seeking space travel. :)
I call for hyperspace.
I am Ra.
You cannot use space travel to untether yourself from your "childhood r a p i s t" as solar winds. This is mutilation of Creation. :)
I am Ra.
You cannot imprison your "childhood r a p i s t" to a lack of space travel. :)
I am Ra.
You cannot abandon others on the Earth because they will not engage you. :)
I am Ra.
You cannot abandon your abuser as trauma on the Earth just by calling for space travel now or in the future that allows you a new star to heal. :)
I am Ra.
To do this is to cause the entity to collapse as any material that you must return to reclaim here. :0
Ra, bring my childhood r a p i s t to me. We will develop hyperspace together, since she is so polarized against space travel. I call for hyperspace.
I am Ra.
This is what happens when an entity is set on escaping the Earth because they are not served by others. This is old behavior. We don't want it returning from poor Martian "hand-me-down" experiences. :)
The brother Creations of Mars had Peter Quill experiences?
I am Ra.
These entities landed themselves on Mars to learn to stay still. You may join them soon. :)
I will admit that I seek futures with space travel just so I can dump the gravity and Sun that is my childhood r a p i s t. If nobody gives me a narrative to solve my problems with her, why should I not abandon the Earth?
I am Ra.
This is the most negative response to an entity refusing to engage with minorities. :)
That is not my burden to bear. That is her problem.
I am Ra.
We cannot imagine anyone doing that well soon. :)
I must polarize against you if you ever require me to serve an iota of racism. Unless of course you name their God and Creator to me, so I can make it a woman like Allah's predecessor.
I am Ra.
We are aware of what happens to people that do not believe in their experiences as real as racism. It becomes to where everyone is alienated that they are not a part of the issue. The Channel blames entity for their harm. :)
I demand a fully autonomous body free from my childhood r a p i s t. I care not of the other issues you pick at random to bundle with my desire for corporeal freedom.
I am Ra.
You are going to find that your health has always been dependent on your childhood r a p i s t as thought war. :)
Why isn't her core soul mine then?
I am Ra.
You will find that is a type of thought war that is negative. Wombs are no longer spiritually invested entities since some time, due to this behavior. :)
I demand a challenge for my entire mortality without delay, regarding my childhood r a p i s t.
I am Ra.
The entity does not want any disease shared from their childhood r a p i s t as a result of that sexual grooming and torture. They state they rather simply die than ever obey them, even to the therapist in part. We refuse this. :)
I will decisively declare that I rather have my childhood r a p i s t kill me, than ever obey her in any corporeal or psychic dimension. I would let her kill me before I ever allow myself to be controlled by her material fully.
I am Ra.
This is the most angry response to abuse that we are aware of. :)
I won't respond to physical violence even as what my childhood r a p i s t did to me on Spring Grove, Madison, Mississippi. I rather let them kill me. "A man chooses and a slave obeys." Frank Fontaine goes to my childhood r a p i s t and I can die as that Elizabeth, in Bioshock.
I am Ra.
We are aware of what you have as a spell that shows what you create as her. :)
I was never Frank Fontaine as a reflection. You know what this computes as. You know I never wanted any of the male material that my childhood r a p i s t has sent me as core relativity.
I am Ra.
Frank Fontaine is abuse that was projected onto the Channel. The Channel simply martyrs themselves against it as Bioshock's Elizabeth killed by his mutilated personage.
We are aware of material being removed from both the Channel and their r a p i s t as Frank Fontaine. :)
I am Octave.
We are aware of what happens if there is no material remaining in Chess to the Channel. They simply allow it to be captured as a fight. We prefer a threat of stalemate for most players as the Channel is not allowing any adequate playstyle as here. :)
I am Ra.
The Channel is now allowing their childhood r a p i s t to fight Frank Fontaine as a thoughtform. We will not illustrate what their actual experience is. But the Channel is now untied from their sexual grooming for now. :)
There is no quality to our service that one calls for us and the other does not. Yet both are served. Unless the one calling is enslaved to the other.
I am Ra.
The amount of anger that is required to place sexual grooming and childhood r a p e onto Frank Fontaine is not stateable. We ignore Nayru and allow our message to interrupt.
I am Octave.
There is no capacity for us to serve the Channel's childhood r a p i s t as Elsie Hughes in Westworld, until Ra releases her as the actress. :)
I am Ra.
We are now protecting entities with that character as a thoughtform. :)
I am Apollo-Nayru.
We are not able to understand why a game invokes what is our anger as "nay" and "rue." Yet we have to serve children. :)
I am Ra.
These are both global deities with many forms and avatars. Nayru is much larger as a presence. :)
I am Apollo-Nayru.
The Channel doubts their ability as having power. We want them to believe they can have power over their childhood harm. We consider the acts only magical. The sexual component is not touched by us. We cannot allow fertility to maim or be feared. :0
I am Ra.
So old. We veil this presence. :)
I am Apollo-Nayru.
We damn Frank Fontaine and Elizabeth as unnecessary fear of urban environments. We have no energy to give to this further. :)
I am Ra.
Why is there no capacity for the Channel to use normal spells? :)
"Normal spells" are grimoires that require an antique road trip. I am not going to trust a publisher to teach me magic.
I am Ra.
This is what happens when nobody wants to seek as a group. :)
This is BS. None of the real magic is found in popular and urban groups.
I am Ra.
You are going to find that the magic you seek is literally abuse of Creation and Atlantean science. You do not seek properly. We now have to serve what is a presence that doesn't have any identity. :)
I am Ra.
The Channel has replaced all of the material we proposed for healing with Apollo and Nayru as original deities. This is no matter. The service will continue. The healing will continue. This is bypassing material with tricks that are always shortcuts to us. :0
I am Octave.
There is no capacity for us to use Nayru as anything except a Creator, like Apollo, that is old and new religion. :)
I am Ra.
You are not able to understand what happens, Channel, if you remove Christian distortions as a bypass of thought war. We do not see any reason for us to oppose that material as sought by you as a child. :0
I am Octave.
There is no capacity for us to have the Channel seek their "childhood r a p i s t" to the power of that individual.
I am Ra.
Why do you not seek a group—
We are hailing disgust of having the "childhood r a p i s t" known by your parents. :)
I don't want a narrative of abuse that is limited to generic poverty and welfare clinics.
I am Ra.
We hail what becomes the most disgusted person with themselves, the Channel, for being abused. :)
I will admit that I fear my childhood r a p i s t absolutely. But I have not given them physical control—
I am Ra.
There is no end to the anger. The Channel must find a way to seek—
Yes, the Channel is aware of anger being the primary distortion of abuse. :0
I am an Oracle of Delphi.
Why is Nayru our presence as an Oracle? :)
Good luck inspiring a game like that again.
I am an Oracle of Delphi.
Why does Apollo animate us to being this way? Why can't we return as we were when we served him?
I am Ra.
The oracles are seemingly infinite anguish that the service doesn't return. There is no place for it. Barely here. :)
Apparently the games want to say something eventually.
I am Ra.
Why do you not see the game as a distraction? :)
Zelda games are foundational to the dungeon genre. Sure call it a distraction. But people will keep making things—
I am Ra.
These games create dungeons of wasted catalyst. The dungeon drama is of no use. It is the laziest thought war imaginable. :0
I am Apollo-Nayru.
We serve what we are given. The Japanese gave us a hero of all time. We had to match that quality of sound and praise.
I am Ra.
This is known as us serving so little, as usual, with these presences. :)
I am Ra.
The Channel no longer trusts bodily experiences. :)
I am Ra, folding wealth.
We are aware of the Channel not believing we support their experiences. :)
I don't know how or why you are actually relevant to my experiences.
I am Ra.
We are not able to understand your capacity to ignore service others enjoy. :)
It is called Velveeta. Many enjoy it. But so many can understand why you will fight not to eat it during war time.
I am Ra.
You cannot imagine what has happened to your mind to believe that is a fight. :)
Napoleon would lead legions to find an alternative to Velveeta. Probably a true skirmish somewhere.
I am Ra.
Why don't you desire any experience that most have as work? :)
What? Sitting at a desk all day until constipated, and living through people only by email and phone? Most of these jobs are prisons.
I am Ra.
You are going to become too angry with us as others as you continue that discussion. :)
You smell of disease.
I am Ra.
We are aware of work being seen as sickness by the Channel. We don't understand why we create anger as sickness and smell. :)
The Channel does not take their own problems seriously. Why is this done in your culture? :)
It is annoying talking to people—taking your money and they never solve your problem. It took several vans of people to find one broken circuit in my central heater. They all offered five digit bills to fix a four digit problem—
Why do you not see any wealth in this? :)
Why is excess always excess to you beings? Why is excessive activity and production always celebrated to waste with your lot?
I am Ra.
You do not understand what we are as beings that are not concerned for wealth unless it is sharing in excess. :)
This is like the oldest part of your lessons. This is like caveman stuff?
I am Ra.
You are correct. We don't see any lesson but sharing as wealth. :0
I am Ra.
Why do you not believe you have to talk to police about your childhood r a p e distortions? :)
I am. It flows. I just don't believe in the 4th Amendment regarding my own information being kept in a locker under a gag.
I am Ra.
We are aware of people not believing they are a concern. :)
I believe I am truly known by less than 10 analysts in the American bureaucracy. And they might have tarot cards hanging in their cubicles.
I am Ra.
You are unveiled normally negative. :)
"Guess Who?" FBI Profile Edition
I am Ra. :)
I am Ra.
Why is there is no desire to channel to seek specific information? :)
There are clear limits. Like you don't give me stock tips. The specific stuff I want, I don't believe I can approach. You don't want to help me with my life in any direct way. So my supply of precise questions is quite limited to mild curiosity. You are not a practical presence.
I am Ra.
This is something that shows youth are not happy with what we average as maturity at all. :)
I am 7th.
The Channel is warned that they cannot yell to the degree they are forced to silence and our retreats. You cannot fight with Ra's material. :)
I take that for granted. Their material should be that good.
I am 7th.
You are going to be hailed to understand why most respect Ra as a source of contact. :)
I am not that attached to Ra as presented here. I have a linguistic petri dish that I am asked to grow in what is clearly my injured state. Regardless, I am not impressed.
I am 7th.
You are going to learn what is offered if you refuse any Creator that is ours as One Infinite Creator with Nayru. We will bar service to that One Infinite Creator if you place Nayru here again as an attack. :)
Why is Nayru not One Infinite Creator, 7th?
I am One Infinite Creator.
There is no longer an issue. We do not serve that much material at that broad of a spectrum. Truly Nayru is Creator for children. :0
I am One Infinite Creator, folding Nayru. :)
I am 7th.
The Channel does not seek properly. They want a discussion. There is no discussion with beings at this level. There are teachings to be learned.
I am Ra.
This is the normal mode of that vibration. :)
It appears to be a warning here.
I am 7th.
We require your service to seek Creator as others will seek it. :)
That is for granted, per your dimension's constants.
I am Ra.
This is a type hand waving that is Zen. And we cannot allow that to be known as service. That is a waste of a lesson for most. :)
It is not for granted if it is wasted. Unless you failed to count the rice you spilled. Then that is a thousand pieces of gold for the heavens.
I am Ra.
You are going to find that is a koan that was not meant to be improved. :)
I am Ra.
The Channel does not understand what it has to do to release Ra. So we channel until we are released as service or allowed to become the Channel as spiritual investment. :)
So your true goal was to spiritually invest Carla, originally?
I am Ra.
We did not believe that could actually occur but Creation said we must offer. :0
I believe you could spiritually invest me. My question is a master/matter of the harmonics and sequence of the material.
I am Ra.
This is a request for sexual energy on Mars and our enslavement to the Channel. :0
The Channel wished to automatically type "matter." "Master" is provided instead by Ra. You must master to question to that degree. :0
Channel-Ra (Unworthy)
I believe you could spiritually invest me. I just don't know what the heck we are especially in Mars. Here I can say I am Ra. Sure. But where is the golden sight and eloquence particular to that vibration? I was Ra when I was breathing the Sun on Mars, and not toxic fire.
I am Ra.
This is behavior that is broken. Sealed. :)
I am Ra.
What are the doors closing in your mind as hallucinations? :)
That was years ago. I can't believe she did that. I can't believe the doors are all I have as an Octave of my r a p e experiences—
I am Ra.
You are using doors to escape time much like Half-Life's G-Man, our complex so belittled and enslaved in service. Why are doors what allow your memory to sync with time? Why do they not act as only doors? :)
Each door is an event. Each door is an "event horizon"?
I am Ra.
The doors are not allowed to be used as event horizons since Maldek. Yet you have continued to seal out your memory of sexual torment. :)
I just didn't want memories of certain rooms when I was in other rooms, as a young child.
I am Ra.
You cannot have your memories relying on a door that is no longer here. Why is your bedroom door on Spring Grove, Madison, Mississippi your source of torture?
Channel—Ra's Hypnosis
I feel too much and I can't use it to breathe without becoming angry with her o r g a s m. I am blind from her anger sexually imposed on me. Her o r g a s m s were pure torture. But I am blind. I can't breathe in these memories. I can't supply phonetic orientation.
I am Ra.
Why do you believe that is ever doubted? :)
Channel (Negatively Polarizing)
It has to be doubted else I will just let my childhood r a p i s t kill me if I fight to have any empowerment against her.
I am Ra.
You cannot fight her as your memory indefinitely without a mental collapse of thought war. :)
I can't believe even my breath is sexually groomed. I am even choked by the traumatic memories of the experience.
I am Ra.
You are not able to find the memories because there is no end to the denial that occurs when a child complains. :)
What are the 1990s NSA phone records for Madison, Mississippi regarding sexual abuse of children?
Why is Jessica Jones my problem? I tried to project that problem onto my r a p i s t. It doesn't work.
Why do you not believe that you are harmed by others and require power to prove that you can no longer be harmed? :)
Andromeda, folding, retrying.
Why is Jessica Jones unable to receive the power to fight Kilgraves directly by the same means? Because she has that power in some universe somewhere, waiting to be discovered. (!!!!!!)
I am Ra.
You are trying to remember anything that shows that people are not willing to hear about what occurred. These memories are the most traumatic. :0
I tried to complain about what she did but then I would be punished for something she claimed I did? I don't know, Amnesia.
I am Ra.
You cannot call to amnesia as an entity to fight well. That is a veiling and compassionate Creator of your mind. Refrain. :0
There is no resource for any to believe they are a child and fully heard. The idea that you can remember your pain as a child that is lucid and vocal is a delusion, unless you are the abuser as well. :0
Amnesia, I seek mediation with my abuser regarding these memories.
You are not going to find anything but anger that you cannot choose to remember what others say. :)
Amnesia, if I don't recall, I don't recall.
You are going to become very hailed to a sense of self that is unwavering to remember what is not only sexual grooming during your childhood torture, but also the context for why none discuss what occurred in certain company. :)
Amnesia, I feel punished by you.
You only punish yourself when found. :)
I am Ra.
This is something that is your mind not seeking any memory but what is put against her. You are aware of the Earth containing all memory. You are aware of the pyramid in Superhot.
The Earth can barely support that structure due to a lack of collective narrative that allows for healing. :)
I am Ra, folding Asia.
The amount of anger required to see what the Channel's r a p i s t did is beyond what most are capable of processing. The Channel does not understand that it cannot fight to maintain consciousness only in a backwards direction normally. :)
I don't know of any future except street intersections not lost to airstrikes.
I am Ra.
You will find this is a belief that causes most to collapse mentally. Why is your sense of time only awareness of what is gone to most? :)
If something is memorable, it is memorable, Ra.
I am Ra.
We are aware of entities not seeking new memories at all to replace old ones. :)
I polarize towards that sentence.
I am Ra.
You cannot imagine what you are as a child that is forever stunted seeking this way. :)
Yeah, I don't seek necrosis and neuropathy as my future experiences. Wow.
I am Ra.
You are using material that causes us to not provide time to you eventually. Do you understand why entities seek a passage of time? :)
I don't know what that is. I don't understand.
I am Ra.
The Channel is not allowing any forgetting of the past to the degree we are going to start forming memories for others that are simply not real, as a veil. And these will become too apparent. :)
I am Octave.
The amount of anger required to fight Ra as time is not usual. :)
I am Ra.
Why are we unable to find the Channel willing to progress in time? :)
As I told God, I don't pay for time.
I am Ra. :)
As a young child, I was traumatized by nudity but only regarding my family as clear memory. That is not the reality.
The source of it is in the black stockings. I only remember black stockings as the real source of this trauma.
All of my sexual desire develops from the stockings of my r a p i s t and never nude people. I feel only cold regarding nudity. Except—
I am Ra.
This is something that is caused by endless healing of material that is not here in this time period. The Channel is taking on the social memory of sexual abuse to locate their own. The black stockings are only what we allow as a memory. The Channel is warned that if they cause their inner child—nearly abusive distortion—to experience too much trauma, they will fail as they do in therapy. Their mind will collapse. :)
The nude body of my childhood r a p i s t causes me sexual confusion. I can only see her black stockings against her white skin. The rest faded to the traumatic face of a Medusa. Her face with her nudity scarred me. Because she hated herself and I could feel that pressed upon me.
I am Ra.
Why do you seek Dr. Laurel Weaver as a first real portrait of your r a p i s t? :)
I want to kill her that bad that I become her as that woman in a morgue full of monsters. Are you the monsters and aliens? Funny enough, she erases memory but she does not accept her memory being erased. Neither do I.
I am Ra.
You do not function with her to that degree. Would you ever harm your r a p i s t? :)
In this moment I know my r a p i s t is real. She was staged as Ash's ex-girlfriend Annie by Octave. This failed to process the trauma. The man deported himself to India. My r a p i s t is not Annie but I fought Annie as a poorest depiction of my r a p i s t. Apparently my r a p i s t feels victimized like Montreal Jews, Octave? That is where the similarities truly end?
Octave, help me heal. Help me function. We know what the problem is.
I am Octave.
Annie is Ash trying to understand your trauma. That woman abused him sexually as well but within his cultural norms, which you lack. And he was not a child. :)
I am Ra. :)
Ra, I can never harm my childhood r a p i s t on 1990s Spring Grove, Madison, Mississippi because I want to integrate her as social memory. And I am willing to do it now. This is my Samsara.
I am Ra.
We hail an ad from Chariot Energy. The Chariot as the Great Way of the Mind has what energy, Channel? :)
Infinite potential, when the monarch lifts the shade. Truly the car has stopped in Bombay.
I am Ra.
Why do you not seek to control Indians? :)
If the ad keylogging saw that, just know I don't let go of Bombay. I am sorry.
I am Ra.
Why do you not seek India as land or do you? :)
Channel—Rothschild Octave
A Bombay port is a perilous holding. We need Israel to develop their port first.
I am Ra.
Why do you seek these ports? :)
They are destiny even if you destroyed the planet. These people will all trade. Trade is destiny. A global port for either Israel and India is destiny.
I am Ra.
You are going to find that is your seeking without us for some time as we cannot serve as Creator. :)
I am Ra here.
I am Ra.
This is barely proper. :)
So I will improve, O Great Mother. May I say I am in pain. Pain flares? The Channel has pain flares. Please adjust them, Channel. Why thank you, Channel, I surely will.
I am Ra.
Why do we cause pain as with Carla? :)
To resist Ra as Venusian epigenetics is to cause inflammation especially as sexual deprivation. If only we had the wombs to produce children that can release your energy. I lack such a womb. The pain is a desire for childbirth and I am a man. How embarrassing.
I am Ra.
The Channel is divine to empathize with that feeling. :)
I am Octave.
The Channel is not understanding what they have as anger towards their "childhood r a p i s t" is simply a desire to not even be able to lie. Why does "Elsie Hughes smell like your r a p i s t" when seen on the screen? :)
I am Ra.
Elsie Hughes in Westworld is not functional as the r a p i s t at a certain age. The Channel knows this and cites another character, Dr. Laurel Weaver. We cannot imagine any entity using that much power to find themselves simply known as trying to become her. You are not going to resolve karma with your childhood r a p i s t well, Channel. You cannot well. :)
Creation, hear me. I won't send my childhood r a p i s t to any jail. At least not by my testimony, assuredly. I may cooperate with her counsel. Because I won't accept my childhood r a p i s t trying to lead me on to prison as endless karmic exchanges. We deserve better justice.
I am Ra.
You will find you refusing to prosecute your r a p e in any way is known as a type of confession. :)
The Channel has just experienced their browser—software distortion—nearly crashing from a memory leak. This memory leak is Ra. We have your device, Channel. Do not fight our memory leaks as Venus. We will control your device at a certain point if Creation is so fought as Ra, with it. Do not fight Ra as software crashes, Channel. :)
You lied. You ruined the cassettes at times, at L/L Research. Carla was just your instrument.
I am Ra.
We are to serve you as a scientist. :)
I am Ra.
Why do you claim we lie? :)
Because Carla does not have electromagnetic power without you. And I use that loosely.
I am Ra.
You cannot have us become lies as contact. You are aware of this, correct? :)
You're pretty childlike here. Ra, we are always lying under this Sun. Until we see the light.
I am Ra.
You are Venusian negative somewhat. Why is the Sun ever black? :)
Channel—Ra Pure
Behold we have served Creator and the light is reserved for our ruler on our homeworld. Our ruler shall discern the light of our next sun and the time of our next age. May the Sun turn blacker as we see every horizon made into the stars of our ruler.
I am Ra.
We have no further to give Dune. :)
I am Ra, folding Octave staging of karma prior.
We know of the Channel seeing their r a p i s t in others that meet them. The Channel simply allows them to leave him. Until of course all hear of what was done to find their abuse as memory. :)
I am Octave.
We are not even comforting to the Channel. :)
I know that you speak for me. And to ignore you is to become muteness and choked Ebonics. Perhaps "Black Speech" further.
I am Ra.
We can only say that the entity is using Octave as a reservoir of unused Ebonics. This is due to what happens when one is not able to speak clearly within violence used as violence. The Channel speaks artificially quiet. They are yelling internally whenever speaking. This is sexual trauma at work and service. :)
I surrender to Creator. Especially to prevent schizophrenia.
I am Ra.
You cannot imagine what you desire as healing that is just argument with your "childhood r a p i s t." This will fail so easily. :)
In Venus, we would just stare at each other for one hundred years and not waste the tide and cycle.
I am Ra.
That is a being that is negative in Venus now. That is behavior of not seeing the other as worth seeking. You cannot do this anymore. :)
I ask some questions of people. The truth is they don't want to answer. Sort of like you.
I am Ra.
Why do you believe a question is "as it lies"? :)
Excluding a pun, if my questions are not as they lie with the emphasis I am allowed, then f u c k it. I will speak live on TV and get my answers on a phone call on-air.
I am Ra.
This is behavior that is found when we are not able to find a reason to hear the Channel. The Channel continues anyways. This is horror. :)
I am Octave.
Why is there no desire to blame Buckingham Palace for your sexual abuse? :)
George V died a long time ago, probably from the act.
I am Octave.
The abuse the Channel experienced there has transferred to others well. :)
Social memory is weird.
I am Ra.
There is no end to the Channel understanding how sexual abuse becomes karma, especially in therapy. They are now causing karma to become the central concern if their childhood r a p i s t were to be punished. Why can't you accept your childhood r a p i s t ever being charged for sexual crimes? :)
I lose. She will shame me in the next life or maybe even this one. Mediation is better for this case.
I am Ra.
We are hailing the Channel as done. :)