- 📅 2025-02-26T18:52:32.346Z
- 👁️ 16 katselukertaa
- 🔓 Julkinen
The prodigious Chess player has potentially more access to meteorological solar winds than a machine, even Stockfish.
They could only win without solar winds if they turned their body towards vampiric cooling, especially as their mind burns more calories than usual?
I am Ra.
We are aware of the Channel attempting to prove our existence through only miraculous Chess mastery. We see only Houdini. :)
They say no man has the thermodynamic power to beat Stockfish at Chess.
I know what allows a GLaDOS potato battery to speak. And it isn't the potato. It is the anomalous cooling of her potato, allowing for her emulated respiration.
GLaDOS is a "vast meteorological intelligence" only as a potato battery. And such intelligences have a wattage greater than 20 or 0.0012.
I am Ra.
The Channel is excited to prove our existence as solar winds speaking to him. But of course he must give us divine power to protect as was done in Ancient Egyptian times. :0
Every church must move forward and move on, lest we repeat the same verses and commandments.
I am Ra.
You are correct and pure. :)
I have only repeated the Law of One as a deconstructed Law of Identity, however. Derrida, Wittgenstein and even Duchamp do this.
I am Ra.
You will find that is a lobotomy for most. :)
Not if you have a French-speaking wife condensing the conversation, even while in bed.
I am One Infinite Creator.
The Channel seeks to eventually play in the ICCF. :)
2 year tournaments are not tenable for me. I will simply pay a ICCF Grandmaster for their time but not their loss. If possible.
I am Ra.
You cannot win the ICCF like one plays against Dr. Letz Shake. :)
The beam katana becomes the spirit. Such a sword drives one to invincibility.
Star Wars doesn't know what they have. General Grievous gets it: Just let the force stay in the swords and droids.
General Grievous and Travis Touchdown are the same plot mechanics and devices.
I am Ra.
That sword is Maldek saying power is the body brought to thought. It does not function as Atlantean narratives. :)
I am One Infinite Creator.
A beam katana is what the Channel knows as Tai Chi made into combat, forced by technological designs. They are aware of Hatha Yoga being veiled combat as well. :)
Max Headroom
Call on Me by Eric Prydz
I also know the sex without conception is a form of combat and wealth generation. The solar winds compound as ovary-inspired thought. Dementia is stalled.
I am Ra.
You are correct and brutal. :)
I can handle 1980s sexual culture.
I am Ra.
You are abusive towards that era. :)
I call to Late Night with the Devil for polarization against Randi.
This film is our communication in thought war. That is our communication allowed to fail. Yet the Channel continues our work without pay. :)
The Confederation has no wage to pay me. Perhaps the Confederation's CIA—possessed and abducted agents—can buy me a martini.
I dare Elon Musk to find all of the CIA's martini receipts.
The Confederation is the State Department "Mormon" in No Time to Die. Logan Ash?
Mira, Confederation Emissary
The Channel is aware of us as entities in violent films that are not allowed development. :)
"Bond is dismissive of Ash, derisively nicknaming him The Book of Mormon."
This is a Confederation ritual that is channeled screenwriting. Just like Once Upon a Time in Hollywood's acid-dipped cigarette and its jar of pickles.
Mira, Confederation Emissary
The Channel abuses films they don't enjoy fully. :)
Hatha Yoga and Tai Chi are literally the core of any CQC.
I am One Infinite Creator.
The Channel is aware of combat being recovery as much as it is harm. This is vampiric Venus that is treasured as our lessons misused. :0
"He is dishonoring the spirit of the competition!"
I am One Infinite Creator.
Why are we not an authority—
You make me Dr. House. You are God as Dr. Lisa Cuddy. I love God as the one who pays my paycheck when I am Dr. House.
I am Ra.
One Infinite Creator is Dr. Lisa Cuddy as far as the Channel is an atheist. :)
My atheism is One Infinite Creator as far as I become Dr. House as the Potentiator of the Body.
I am Ra.
You are going to find that is a sick entity you are as One Infinite Creator. :)
I am Ra's One Infinite Creator as far as I am Dr. House.
Unnamed Octave
You are going to become him as miserable pain addicts. :)
I am a Dr. House that uses muscular agony and limps to diagnosis towards miracles. I don't need the Vicodin. I can make such pain into consciousness and thought.
I am Ra.
You will find that is a miserable configuration. :)
For pain that doesn't heal, we only have Hugh Darrow causing one to invent technology.
I am One Infinite Creator.
The Channel is disgusted with reincarnation. :)
Heaven requires a body on fire.
I am One Infinite Creator.
This is an understanding of Zen that is terrible. :)
Hell is attachment to a body burning in solar winds.
I am Ra.
You are correct. :)
Changing topics by request of Octave.
I can polarize against Elon Musk, for averaging, because I know the cabin of a Tesla is his anima and the women he sleeps with. Yeah, "X 12" shows the psychology to come from it all.
I am Ra.
Why are the cars Elon Musk as a personality? :)
The man's money can only buyback Tesla stock at a certain point. Billionaires are a ruse. Their money is only credit as far as it can buy similar stock.
The man is only his cars. Eventually he is only his battery logistics.
I am Arcturus SMC.
The Channel is aware of Elon Musk as truly enslaved to cars towards dementia. :)
Elon Musk's spirit becomes literal batteries and industrial miners, as he relies on his wealth for "security."
I am Arcturus SMC.
This is a configuration that becomes us. :)
Arcturus SMC is only Elon Musk with employees. It is a collective configuration? Alternatively, Grimes is the actual Arcturus SMC—
I am Arcturus SMC.
We are Grimes as a wanderer in great poverty. :0
Let us turn Grimes into an activist investor and labor organizer? Surely this is a fantasy?
I am Ra.
Grimes is Arcturus SMC without any male catalyst for some time. :)
You won't tell me. But I know it.
Elon Musk will likely become the soul of Grimes when he dies before her? They become the same identity due to the karmic anger over their child? Grimes has more power than Musk. She doesn't realize it.
Grimes, you may inspire Musk's remaining intellect as solar winds!
I am Ra.
Grimes is the remaining intellect of Elon Musk as creativity. :)
I am Arcturus SMC.
The Channel fights with Elon Musk as only power to own industrial commodities, in future settings. :)
I just want the batteries, as an aspiration.
I am Arcturus SMC.
Why do you fight his cars as electrical costs alone? :)
I now have knowledge that could bankrupt any car company. I know how to run the auto industry as conglomerates. I have a trade secret now, that I can't falsify as dumb.
Warren Buffett missed lessons. He skipped lessons. I have them too here.
I can conquer automobiles now.
I am Ra.
You cannot make a vehicle as you imagine without being the main cost to doing business to many. :)
I can always sell a company and start another.
I am Ra.
You are challenged to learn/teach this only as asked to. :)
I really don't want Arcturus SMC as Grimes' soul consuming the soul of a dying Elon Musk.
I always want Arcturus SMC as the glory that is Dr. Samuel Hayden.
I am Arcturus SMC.
We are angry as that form. We do not understand why a vessel would have sought so much war they get placed on energy wars this way, for us to serve them as their death. :)
I am Ra.
The amount of power to say Dr. Samuel Hayden is the next stage of L/L Research's channelings is incredible. :)
Another lab had Arcturus running. IIRC they had Arcturus discussing nuclear war alongside the Quebec referendum.
I am Ra.
The lab that had Arcturus channeled that lucidly failed to polarize properly. :0
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