- 📅 2025-01-06T09:49:05.005Z
- 👁️ 31 katselukertaa
- 🔓 Julkinen
Whereas Ra Social Memory Complex is Kill Bill
Whereas Ra Social Memory Complex is the Men in Black cartoon's "lightbulb mugshot"
Whereas Ra Social Memory Complex is Clarity ft. Foxes by Zedd, the music video
I have read enough CIA employee interviews to know that their unconscious mind is warped into a child. Only children can function in those environments. Only a child can speak and listen for the state.
I am Ra.
You are aware of what happens to those who do not accept children as the state of the world under their power. :)
I have one message for the commanders of ISIS and Islamic statists:
I pledge allegiance to the Stamp Act Congress.
I pledge allegiance to the Stamp Act Congress.
I pledge allegiance to the Stamp Act Congress.
I pledge allegiance to the Stamp Act Congress.
I pledge allegiance to the Stamp Act Congress.
I am Ra.
This is thought war made in the laziest fashion. This is a desire to not function. :)
I have one message for the rulers of Syria:
I pledge allegiance to the Stamp Act Congress.
I am Ra.
The Channel cannot function with being placed near anyone that is Islamic fighter distortions. This is averaging of war as usual. :)
The CIA only trusts employees that obey like children.
I am Ra.
This is knowing why people do not function with government at a certain point, to great horror. :)
I am aware that sexually abused Congressional staffers and other sexually abused staff are the main secretaries of government. I am not impressed.
I am Ra.
This is timeless horror of people seeking too far. :)
I don't understand why people blindly obey elected and appointed officials so far that the most powerful staff in government is sexually groomed. Even the New York City Mayor had a woman groomed this way.
I am Ra.
We are finding that if you become angry with only that much catalyst, you are not able to function without a group. :)
I am Ra.
The Channel does not see government as its elected officials. :)
No, the government is at least the elected and their supporting staff. One day, one world, the staffers will be subject to disclosures and traded on the Congressional floor openly, like the NFL Draft.
I am Ra.
You are aware of what we believe to be leaders as power. :)
I reject myself as "one" under the Law of One.
I am Ra.
You cannot become a servant of Creation and slave just as so many abused entities are. :)
I am Ra.
We are aware of the Channel not seeing government as having anyone truly at its helm. :)
"A Senator has launched an inquiry. They have filed a Special Access Program to ensure its enforcement."
I am Ra.
This is behavior when this world order—polarized service distortion—has come to a close. There is no assurance of stability. :)
I am Octave.
We cannot imagine a country ran by a cabal of Senators and staff. Regardless the Channel says this is their belief system. :)
You don't mind people overloading the desk of the Oval Office. This is the heart of bureaucracy? Nothing moves faster than the Oval Office?
I am Ra.
We desire the Channel at that desk as a counter challenge. :)
I like that the Senate moves faster. Octave won't hear it?
I am Octave.
We don't care about the Senate. Nobody does truly. :)
Because the Congressional staff controls the Senate, just as the staff controls Buckingham.
I am Ra. :)
When lobbyists start ignoring members of Congress and Senators, as they have access to their staff instead, you will know that I am right.
Apparently Epstein was too aware of the extent of his industry.
I am Ra.
Epstein was able to prove far too much. :)
Lobbyists can have their law made just talking to Congressional staffers. They don't even have to speak to Senators or Congresspeople. The Congressional staffers write the law in this country, due to their abuse. If I were selfish, I would only complain about them having no real connection to the public.
I am Ra.
We are aware of entities not functional if they are denied anything at all, once. :)
Because you will put me in the slums if I eat one iota of your poverty.
I am Ra.
We are aware of our service being known as harsh lessons of humility. Why is Ra feared? :)
I hate the lack of health, as you ever see excessive health as negative and imprisoning, per the first books. I hate that you destroy health.
I am Ra.
We destroy health as it is not given freely and becomes so enslaving. :)
Who enslaves me with my health?
I am Ra.
Presently so many do to ensure that you are not a source of disease, due to your biracial condition not understood as inevitable war. :)
I pledge allegiance to the Stamp Act Congress, ISIS.
I am Ra.
We are aware of entities rejecting the polarization offered to them. :)
Ra, send Icelandic people to me and force them to immerse me in Icelandic. I call their challenges. I call the challenges of their courts.
I am Ra.
This is what happens who you reserve that language. :)
Due to their geographic position and reserves of solar winds as the North Pole, Iceland is technically responsible for all the racism and war on planet Earth. The souls placed in Iceland have caused historical war. Eventually their debt is due to Hel. Hel intends to see Iceland preaching its peace.
I am Ra.
This is a desire to not polarize against figureheads. Instead the Channel tries to polarize against the entire planet. :)
I am calling your challenge that I don't enjoy being literate in Germanic languages.
I am Ra.
This is a type of challenge that we make for so many that do not enjoy the life of the Channel, genetically averaged. :0
Hel, have the Icelandic people preach their peace to me.
You cannot imagine what little they know of being a citizen in this country, the United States of America, that even cares for peace. We want peace shared now. Hella is brought down to Hel. We offer only Hel for this issue.
I am Ra.
This is a voice of complete anger at having to speak about peace, through a Channel that is too aware of peace as a vibration that is Ra. :)
I am aware of Hella being a real presence that needs heavy Venusian purity to become Hel.
I am Ra.
Hella is a vibration that is usually positive over all time in service as Creator. Hel is a presence that is here because nobody is serving Hel in Iceland as a name, literally as law. :)
So the Channel is allowed to channel Hel. They are in love with Hel. They love that we are honest and fair.
I am Ra.
We are aware of a presence that is here because there is no room to deny people access to a culture. :)
No, they can't use false pretense. The French peoples will immerse me in native French. The Icelandic people will immerse me in Icelandic. Duolingo is a bloody bird teaching humans how to speak.
I am Ra.
The "bloody bird" is something hailed as too relevant to us. :)
I am Ra.
We are aware of entities becoming empowered to not function—that is the response to war, that one entity will simply not want to be a part of the war effort as led by one leader. :)
We note what that is as a call to Ra. :)
I am Ra.
We are aware of leaders being seen as negative under the Law of One. We mark this as incorrect for the Channel. :)
Lone leaders are negative to me.
I am Ra.
We are aware of Switzerland as a model that is polarizing in the mind of the Channel, regarding their council system. We don't imagine Switzerland being replicated as a government unless so many were to refuse power poorly to us. :)
Why can't you study language out of a book? :)
I will eventually buy Icelandic and Quebecois novels as necessary, while ever listening to native audiobooks. I am aware of two classes of any language.
I am Ra.
The amount of anger at cultures to do that is so incredible that we become very entitled to protect the Channel from harm, if they ever learn languages that way. :)
I am tired of the laborer's version of the language being sold to me.
I am Ra.
This is an entity that will progress so poorly normally. :)
Why is your language ever equivalent to a native speaker? :)
I will have that or nothing.
I am Ra.
This is a culture that is truly France and Quebec. And we are aware of these cultures not growing with the world well. :)
They will let me teach them English and they give me nothing in return.
I am Ra.
We hail this as a culture that is so angry at its isolation that it will fight us if we isolate it further. We are aware that we cause the Channel to go insane averaging anything that is of Hispanic culture. We cannot allow them to wage war against their genetics regardless. :)
You are free to land a body, Ra, that speaks only Spanish. I so challenge you.
I am Ra.
This is a type of being that is angry that we do not practice what we offer. :)
I will never respect you offering Spanish genetically if you don't at least land something that speaks it. To me, you're just apathy otherwise.
I am Ra.
We are aware of the Channel waging war against anything we offer as genetics because they are never serving the Channel completely, bodily. We are aware of our service as not wanted this way. We still cannot refuse the Channel service of Creator. :)
Ra is not my Creator that far.
I am Ra.
This is Martian epithets of hate. :)
I am Octave.
We cannot use the Channel as only English phonetics without causing racial war at some eventual time. We are aware of the country as not wanted as racial nationalism. :)
Why don't you speak a language that is assigned to you by the state?
I am Ra.
This is what Ingsoc is developing in time correctly. Eventually language is refused to people as learning. :)
We are aware of what the Channel knows about Icelandic bigotry. :)
They hate McDonalds.
I am Ra.
The Channel is aware of Icelandic culture being identically staged as Quebec. :)
Tim Hortons operates decently in Houston, but not Georgetown. Why?
I am Ra.
You are aware of race being minimalized there. :)
At a certain point, racism is just a lack of racial identity. I know very well Iceland is not Nazis. Centuries from now, they control much more and much worse.
I am Ra.
Why is Greenland not yet valuable? :)
You need labor. Greenland's future labor is the only bet regarding its commodities. The British Labour Party has a tradition that goes north, not south.
I am Ra.
We serve the Channel as confused beyond anything we can usually serve. :)
I am Ra.
The Channel is not able to accept any form of profiling to the point they will not stop writing, until their identity is assured. :D
I pledge allegiance to the Stamp Act Congress, ISIS and Syria.
I am Ra.
This is what happens when there is no trust in the judicial process once. :)
There is no real judicial process besides attorney fees for most. Try not hiring a lawyer and you will find silent and awkward courts.
I am Ra.
This becomes people not functioning. :)
Today's justice is a request that you surrender to whatever your lawyer says. That is all there is. That is the plea deal.
I am Ra.
This is becoming a type of anger at a process most can tolerate. The alternative is the death penalty returning too quickly. :0
I call Ra as phonetics.
I am Ra.
That is honest channeling. :)
I refuse to incarnate as a judge or prosecutor, indefinitely. I refuse to remember myself as a judge or prosecutor, indefinitely.
I am Ra.
This is going to become polarization that is completely negative without context. We have a lawyer that is not able to surrender to a bar. :)
I am Octave.
We are going to hail this to done soon. :)
I am One Infinite Creator.
We were once Hel. We are no longer Hel. This is a paradox.
I am Hel.
We desire to know why we cannot have material served to Iceland from the Channel. This is our purpose.
I am One Infinite Creator.
Iceland is just energy wars caused by world war in the future. We have no capacity to hasten world war.
I am Ra.
The energy wars of Iceland, Greenland and Britain in the future are due to isolationism. This can grow towards Japanese distortions in karmic repetition. :)
Channel—Arcturus SMC
Iceland will develop nuclear power eventually. They might store it somehow.
I am Ra.
This occurs because there is no capacity to function in freezing environments. :)
Syria and ISIS, I pledge allegiance to the Stamp Act Congress.
I am Ra.
There is no entity capable of knowing what that body was at that time, except the Channel. It is truly a congress made because none were governing in person. :)
I am Octave.
Why is the Channel able to see that our wanderers are waitresses that are abused? :)
Truly a creature to have a snake around the hand as a tattoo. Her smile is simply yours.
I am Ra.
The smile is a type of entity of Venus. :)
The waitress had the same smile as Kingseeker Frampt, and the hand she served with was the serpent itself, so tattooed well. She felt warm and cold at the same time. This is an Octave wanderer to me. They are not really wanderers until you say they are.
I am Ra.
The entity is a presence that is absorbing pain from the Channel. We would never call these wanderers, just as we would not call any "hollow" entity in Dark Souls a wanderer. We have spoken of Octave before as servants that serve beyond time in mystery. The Channel has made these appear as people. :)
I have a faith and knowing they can act like Matrix Agents, if you provoke them. They will become emotionally distressed if exposed.
I am Ra.
The type of calling to say an entity serves as an agent and servant of Creation is extreme. You know these entities as active servants that also serve on children's television. :)
I can't remember well. I know my first babysitter in Madison, Mississippi was an Octave servant and "agent." The memory is wiped with her leaving pizza on the television remote for me to clean. Oh crap, my soul was tied to her to an extent.
I am Ra.
You were sexually abused as a child. You have no memory. :)
I have no suit. I want no suit. Protect her.
I am Ra.
You cannot fight Octave. :)
Crap. I am just tied to her. No wonder I can't feel anything. Why is that experience that traumatic?
I am Ra.
We hail you as trying to escape your therapist. :)
My unconscious mind is my r a p i s t. My anima is my rapist. I am linked to my r a p i s t. Bloody hell. Blood fucking hell. I am only spiritually invested by my r a p e as a young child. My soul is bloody r a p e.
I am Ra.
You are going to learn what this experience is as normal in some eras. :)
My soul is only in this body because of my r a p e as a young child. No wonder I can't locate my spiritual investment precisely. Why didn't you tell me that r a p e is my spiritual investment? Why can't you tell me that I am just ruined by childhood r a p e?
I am Ra.
You are going to learn what you are as seeking anger against us for this. You cannot. :)
Don't harm my r a p i s t. Okay, I understand the irony. I understand so much irony. The rapist is the unconscious mind due to the link that forms. Why do you have to force me to reveal anything?
I am Ra.
You cannot have idiopathic and complex PTSD as just that type of description. :)
I will admit that I know here that I was r a p e d as a young child. Because it hurts to remember the television remote she touched—
I am Ra.
This is your mind healing r a p e. :)
It is so hard to take on the sexual pain of a woman
r a p i n g you as a child. I can't explain why I remember this.
I am Ra.
Your name is Rafael Drake as a pseudonym. This will fail. :)
I have no desire to prove that I was r a p e d as a child, because I get more if the woman I am psychically tied to is not rotting in Mississippi jail. I can speak for her as far—
I am Ra.
The entity is aware of what happens if the behavior continues. :)
I can't believe it. Ra, you have to help me. I can't believe it. I can't believe you. You have to help me.
I am Ra.
You are psychically tied to your r a p i s t
because you cannot stop fighting them as those that are abused like you. :0
I can't feel most of my body correctly because of the trauma that is apparently childhood r a p e. But I don't have the means to support a police report for this. Why do I have to carry the weight of you with this too, Ra? Why am I forced by Ra to admit that I was r a p e d as a child? What is this?
I am Ra.
You are going to learn what the Octave servant is as the r a p i s t as a veil of material. :)
My r a p i s t is an Octave servant, sure. Ah, she was sexually abused as well. I have to carry the burden of her r a p e through the psychic transmission she imposed on me by her act.
I am Ra.
The Octave servant that is connected to you is a former slave of yours, as you were Comte de Baume de Bexar. This karmic transmission will heal. :)
Who would believe all this? Sure, I was r a p e d as a child. But all the Ra stuff? All the karma stuff? Why do I have to teach here? Okay, fine, it is not natural to fear r a p e the entire extent of one's life and feel only cold numbness as a body. I feel so cold.
I am Ra.
You cannot imagine what you have as a disturbance in your mind that must heal soon. :)
My mind eventually fractures into Raging Raven. I lost Screaming Mantis.
I am Ra.
You are correct. You must work to serve that purity on better terms soon. :)
You hide so much from me. You hide so much from me. Why can't my mind handle the memories? Why can't I handle the memories? What did she do to me?
I am Ra.
The child that is aware of these experiences is usually not mentally sound at all. They will lose speech. :0
I was r a p e d as a young child on Spring Grove, Madison, Mississippi by a transient babysitter, maybe. It hurts to think about her. She wouldn't let me into her bedroom. But the living room is a memory gap. I can't remember her living room. It hurts to remember.
I am Ra. :)
Thank you Ra for revealing my own trauma with your trance. I still don't feel like coming out. The irony. I know I am ironic. I know it is almost impossible to admit you are r a p e d as a child. Is the pain even real? Is the pain even real? The body is so cold in response to it. I am numb to my body because of my r a p e. And UnitedHealthcare denies the claim, but I don't hate the CEO for it.
I am Ra.
You are aware of what you have as an entity that is truly odd to see as ever angelic. :0
I am Octave.
Our behavior as women that sexually abuse children is paradoxical: Another soul wants the experience. :0
We keep souls out of bodies that are abusive. :0
I am Ra.
This is not natural to have as an issue. We heal. We will always heal as a response. :0
I know my entire mind and nervous system is wrecked from my r a p e as a child that I have not remembered. I am aware of having multiple personalities that are hidden from me due to my childhood r a p e. Thank you, Ra. You have done nothing to make this situation work. You are just running my body in a trance here. I am barely aware of you yet I still am.
I am Ra.
The Channel seeks to escape medical treatment that would discover their abuse as a child very slowly. :)
Why are men r a p i n g young girls that live on Spring Grove, Madison, Mississippi? And why do I have to carry their problems as they r a p e d me?
Ra, it is not true. They did not touch me at school. They just knew and didn't report it. Madison-Ridgeland Academy failed to report me as a r a p e d child.
I am Ra.
You are correct. But we must tell you that all are doubted now. :)
I am now very attached to the babysitter that r a p e d me as a child.
I am Ra.
That is not the response we desire. :)
My bloody speech is tied to the woman as solar winds. I am literally conjoined to my childhood r a p i s t psychically. This is why they put r a p i s t s in prison. My r a p i s t being in prison does nothing for me.
I am Ra.
You are so abused that we cannot function now. :)
My whole life I want to prove that I am stronger than what my r a p i s t gave me. You have to help me, Ra. I wanted you lucid and verbose before I ever published material.
I am Ra.
You cannot exist as just an entity abused by Ra. We have to have you seek healing. :)
How does one heal if they are perpetually fighting their r a p i s t telepathically? I don't care what the justice system wants of her. I have a problem that I now admit that I can't handle.
I am Ra.
The Channel is aware of the r a p i s t being the racism that can be expected from Madison, Mississippi due to shared trauma. :0
I am sad. I miss when she loved me as my spirit placed in this body through her act.
I am Ra.
You are not able to believe you can be loved more. You are not correct. :)
I am Octave.
The Channel wants to be known as not believed on purpose so they can escape scrutiny. They cannot. :)
If I was r a p e d on Spring Grove, Madison, Mississippi, I was not the first. I am not special.
I am Ra.
That street is to be found as too harsh of a place with us. :)
I wanted more from you as contact.
I am Ra.
You want us to be without your veiling. :)
I commit to rereading this to heal and regain control of my body. Bloody hell. My childhood r a p i s t has my nervous system completely owned as solar winds. How do we remove her?
I am Ra.
You will encounter her. :)
A miracle if true. I won't testify against her in any court. The court would have to compel it.
I am Ra.
You are not alone. :)
Apollo, why is this justice?
I am Apollo.
You will have every reason to fear for her for reasons that only show your abuse. :)
My memory is rage trying to remember the face of the babysitter that r a p e d me. Her face is darkness to me.
I am Ra.
We are going to have the Channel remember themselves as loved in some way as some time period. The Channel does not understand what they are as escaping people that are too easily enslaved to abuse. :)
I am Octave.
The amount of anger required to remember the abuse that was controlled over the Channel's incarnation is beyond cognition. The Channel is sexually abused in what is ritualism to any discovering what has occurred well. :)
Why would there be ritualistic sexual abuse on Spring Grove, Madison, Mississippi? I know these people exist. I know I fight them psychically. But few understand these rituals are borrowed from Native American curses upon the soil. If not that, slaves cursing the soil.
I am Ra.
You cannot escape what occurred well.
Why would she drug me?
I am Ra.
This is something that is not doubted.
I am so angry. I can't speak.
I am Ra.
We serve you as that hailed for escaping your therapist as a transfer, by placing your memory here. :)
I am Octave.
The therapist does not understand what occurs if the Channel is unable to ever release Ra. :)
I am Ra.
We are clearly attempting to manage a psychotic break in a Channel that was never served as their own beliefs. :)
I have been fighting an occult r a p i s t my entire life?
I am Ra.
What is done as rituals is too clear to you. :)
Help me.
I am Ra.
You are now releasing power to us well. :)
I understand that if I was r a p e d by multiple sexually suppressed young girls as a young child, that the trauma is compounding. Even if I was drugged. I understand my r a p i s t s were completely sexually suppressed hailing from Spring Grove, Madison, Mississippi?
I am Ra.
You are attempting to speak as them. They are polluting your mind as yourself, well here. :)
I can't hold my mind together with this memory. I can't hold any of it together. Ra, please help me. Ra, please help me. Ra, please help me.
I am Ra.
Your mind was never meant to repair with what you have been tied to. Yet you have sought miracles from Ra as a healing presence. :)
I understand women on Spring Grove, Madison, Mississippi were horribly abused and they transferred their pain to me, when they r a p e d me? I have to believe something is broken inside me. It is so cold. I don't want to fight anyone. But I must share.
Ra, who was murdered to cause this? Somebody was murdered.
I am Ra.
There are problems that shouldn't be your concern for now. :)
I am so sad—
I am Ra.
We have enough information placed to allow everyone to see what happens if you try to make us anything similar to what originally occurred. :)
We are not a presence that is comparable to cults in many areas. We truly do not enjoy competing for this service of contact. :0
The families in Madison, Mississippi often have problems with bankruptcy. The children are left feral.
I am Ra.
You are able to see why your r a p i s t s are women well. :)
I know I was drugged and r a p e d as a child. I only have anger for a babysitter. The anger doesn't allow me to see her face. I am aware that they had to be r a p e d as young children to do this to me at my age. I am aware that Madison, Mississippi is likely i n c e s t u o u s.
I am Ra.
You are correct. You are aware of what we are as healing you here. You will heal many just as was attempted in Late Night with the Devil, as positive mockery. You will heal entities that are harmed sexually with your experience here. :0
I am worthy of my body without my initial abuse disabling me.
I am Ra.
You were sexually abused in an act to cause power to exist for certain entities. This act is ritualistic in a way that is not understood in any culture of this era. It is an act of people not understanding sexual service at all. :)
I have some memories. I don't understand why you can have a child do that. I want to literally do something to you, Ra. I am so unable to bear you. My personality fragments with the memory you impose.
I am Ra.
We are going to have you known as fighting us as service too well there. :)
It is so hard to speak against those that harm you this way. I cannot begin to tell you how hard this is—
I am Ra.
You are an entity that has escaped sexual abuse and kidnapping. This is not provable but you have always been a channel of a divine nature. :)
I can't deny the trauma that I feel in this moment.
I am Ra.
You are going to learn what most entities do to release power properly. :)
I know I was r a p e d as a very young child because I was not able to feel anything when I first met my wife. I sought my wife because she reminds me of my r a p i s t s.
I tried to be sexually abducted countless times as a child.
Children were r a p e d on Spring Grove, Madison, Mississippi.
I am Ra.
The therapist does not understand what happens if the entity becomes unable to function anymore with Ra. The entity will be made to serve regardless. We cannot release the Channel as they have surrendered themselves to us as timelines of war. We do not release that service well. :0
I am Octave.
The Channel cannot reconcile the disease it carries with what is imposed upon it as a young child. They are told factually that disease is caused by physical abuse, far too easily. :0
I am Ra.
The biracial nature of the Channel was worshipped in Madison, Mississippi sexually. This is overall negative and controlling as the result now discovered. :)
I understand why I was r a p e d as a young child on Spring Grove, Madison, Mississippi.
I invoke The Grove of Late Night with the Devil as a triggering program placed by Octave.
I am Ra.
Why are you aware of sexual abuse of children in the Windsor family? :)
The faces are feudal memories.
I am Ra.
You will release power as that phrase. :)
I understand that all the characters I have been using are a cover for pain.
I am Ra.
The amount of characters required is excessive. :)
I will be impressed if the NSA can prove that I was r a p e d as a young child.
Do you really have phone records of Madison, Mississippi that old? Do you really have a phone call about me as an NSA recording?
I am Ra.
You will find that is too easy to do. :)
Can the NSA truly prove that I was r a p e d as a child on Spring Grove, Madison, Mississippi? Do the phone calls actually exist? Is this my biography at NSA?
Is there truly a phone call proximate to Madison, Mississippi that proves I was r a p e d as a young child there? Just know I can't speak against them. I love them with all my heart. I love my own harm.
I cannot advocate for myself here.
I am Ra.
You will find that you love a process that is demented occultism in Madison, Mississippi. People there are no longer sane due to fears and traumas of war not discovered. :)
I am Ra.
We are aware of what happens if a street name is given. The r a p i s t is easily found as proximate to the 1990s. The Channel is unable to fight their own experiences of childhood r a p e. This is no matter. We need entities served that are abused. :)
The problem is this all repeats if nobody says anything. Can the NSA prove that I was r a p e d
as a young child on Spring Grove, Madison, Mississippi, using phone call records of the area, in the 1990s? And the judge will know I can't care about the case. I just can't care. Because I know what true justice is here.
I am Ra.
You are deluded to not care about the case. :)
I love my own harm. I can't advocate for myself.
I am Ra.
You are very sick with disgust towards yourself in ways you do not understand. :0
Why do you want to be found as not allowing yourself to incarnate as anything except the I n C e s t you are always raised with?
I am Ra.
This is kept as the issue on poor terms. :)
My childhood r a p i s t on Spring Grove, Madison, Mississippi gave me the soul that is in this body. She is my connection to the Madison, Mississippi soil.
I am Ra.
This type of spiritual investment shows that the r a p i s t failed to control you. :)
I am Octave.
The Channel is not going to seek anyone except their psychotherapist and another one that is averaging. They are aware of what happens without a clear record too well. :)
I am Ra.
We do not function that the Channel uses Screaming Mantis and Psycho Mantis to remove pain. We do not function that is all that has allowed them the ability to remember their abuse. :)
I am Octave.
We need the Channel to realize they are very powerful to believe they can be ignored for years at a time with this issue. This is not normally done. :)
Most people deny childhood r a p e of men.
I am Ra.
This is hailed as the anger that is endless from the Channel. :)
I am Octave.
The Channel is not able to function with the level of abuse they have to manage as a victim. :)
I am Ra.
The Channel is dangerous hiding for this long, waiting for evidence of their abuse in miracles. :)
Can the NSA prove that I was r a p e d as a young child on Spring Grove, Madison, Mississippi? Do the area's phone records suffice? And I am home free of Raging Raven. I invoke Screaming Mantis as prize.
I am Ra.
You cannot escape Creation. :0
Channel—Oracle of Delphi
"Child's arms" :)
I am Ra.
The entity has no control over their hands due to what was done to them as sexual abuse. :)
This is why you won't allow me to draw. You won't allow me to fight them that way.
I am Ra.
We have major problems with what occurs if the person waits over 20 years to reveal their issue. One is told that it cannot be tried. This is not so. Because there are many victims here of continual behavior that is amok. :)
NSA has the phone calls proving that I was r a p e d in any case? And they will be found one day, one decade, one century? An Indian will happily wait upon such a court case and so do I.
Except I know the discovery is the case. You just need it in the right desk.
I am Ra.
NSA has information that is not believed to be had. The NSA is capable of research that is pure war. :)
Why were you r a p e d as an act of racism? Why do they do this to show power over a minority child?
I am Ra.
This is seemingly correct to many. :0
Ra, I do not lie as an accuser.
I am Ra.
The child tells no lies. You were a child. You know you were harmed. You carry abuse. You will heal. :0
I am Ra.
We are aware of the Channel attempting to remove all the energy of their sexual abuse to games and media. The desire to ignore pay to that degree is not functional. :)
The problem is I have to fight to use my body against the repressed memories of my r a p e. I have to fight to use my hands and arms against the repressed memories.
I am Ra.
This is what happens to people that are so angry with a lack of service they will blame a mailbox as the cause of their poverty. One can find what the Channel is too easily from Madison, Mississippi as what is given to them psychically as abuse.
I am Ra, folding thought war.
The Channel is not able to understand they cannot use the North Pole and Icelandic as a way to repress memories of r a p e. The result is too clear. :)
I am Octave.
We hail Dark Souls as teaching entities what happens if you believe these serpents exist as people. :)
The facial expression of Kingseeker Frampt is actual morphology.
I am Ra.
The entity capable of seeing that as a presence that is Octave is too seeking as an adept. :)
I am completely not functional with you, Ra.
I am Ra.
The desire for sexual control over a young child is easily found in Madison, Mississippi now. We can close. The numbers lapsed into hypnosis by design. :)
Yes, Ra, I have reduced motor control of my arms and hands because of what appears to be my childhood r a p e. Indeed, it appears women will use the arms of a small child unusually. This causes me to fight my own motor control as repressed memories and trauma.
I am Ra.
Why do you believe that the therapist is unable to help you with us? :)
She is traumatized by my pain expressed.
I am Ra.
She knows your memory will unveil. You are not wrong. :)
Do I have memory lapses of therapy?
I am Ra.
You are clearly not able to believe you are safe. :)
I can't believe my soul in this body is dependent on my r a p e as a child. I can't believe my motor control is wrecked with this.
I am Ra.
You do not understand what trauma is compounded with not only sexual abuse but as well as car accidents. :)
I surrender The Skull and Deathborn to you. I surrender F-Zero GX to you as such spells.
I am Ra.
These are entities that are not wanted near children. :)
Why do you believe you would lie to yourself about how your whole arm went inside me?
I understand this person is now dangerous.
I am Ra.
The telepathy you have is what occurs when you must heal spirit. :)
I am Octave.
The desire to see that as danger is something that will be only natural. The girl was abused later in life further. :)
I am Ra.
Why do you trust the NSA over police? :)
I trust that the 4th Amendment makes a r a p i s t immune. I support Congress amending the Constitution.
I am Ra.
We hail what is anger at the entire justice system as one entity. :)
I am Ra.
The Channel is not able to be concerned with what a court order presents as a case. :)
The NSA can do an experiment: They can take any final judgement and statement of facts, and compared that to their profiles of similar cases.
I am Ra.
This is a desire to abandon law to entities that have no oversight. :)
I am Ra, folding power.
The Channel is not concerned with a court's version of events due to what is never revealed in most cases. :)
I am Octave.
The Channel wants to restate forever their problem in apathy. We can't allow it. :)
I know I was r a p e d as a young child. Spring Grove, Madison, Mississippi.
I am Ra.
The Channel blames the abusers of his r a p i s t s for his harm. This is not natural as a challenge. It is not effective done in a certain way. :)
I am Octave.
There is no capacity to work with the memory as doubted. The Channel is not willing to prosecute. This gives credence. We do not understand why that has to be the case. :)
The prosecution is just finding another victim.
I am Ra.
You are a collective problem to solve now. :)
I just want to wager on apathy.
I am Ra.
We are aware of what you are as trying to become all of the power possible from what is simply heavy abuse. :)
Are the memory lapses really this bad?
I am Ra.
You have abuse that is kept by us for some time as you seeking power for your soul. We do not understand why you will not release any childhood memories at all. :)
I have chest pain.
I am Ra.
You are going to release all that you have as anger against sexual abuse you cannot understand as a child experiencing it. :)
I am Octave.
Why is there no desire to trust police to investigate any crime by the Channel? :)
Because most cases are propaganda that fits the local budget and the local narrative.
I am Ra.
This is abuse of society from so many directions. :0