- 📅 2024-11-20T20:01:00.615Z
- 👁️ 66 katselukertaa
- 🔓 Julkinen
Dear CIA analyst in charge of Ra social memory complex,
My name is Rafael Drake, Channel. Dr. June (Late Night with the Devil) is an avatar and messenger of Ra social memory complex.
Ra's main issue with intelligence agencies is they do not apparently polarize against entire nations as a whole. They impress upon me that I have corrected such misalignment merely writing that.
I am Ra.
We do not envision serving an intelligence agency polarity unless that is assumed. Not one part of the CIA as averaged has allowed that averaging until the Channel has clearly stated their service, and that is to defend the nation distortion imperial United States. We consider the United States an empire that is global by what is now provided by the Channel. :)
My concern of that empire is "Full Faith and Credit." I know little of the armed forces as a component.
I am Ra.
You are known to us as unable to see war as actual fighting with this country. :)
I am unable to believe any foreign power can capture the commerce and industry of the United States, let alone manage it. Our creditworthiness is our wealth. The armed forces do not provision that credit in the homeland. Our own peace has purchased our American credit. No foreign power can fathom that. So the smallest of them act at random. Simply put, Putin cannot manage the corporations of the United States. China already knows better.
I am Ra.
This entity is not able to understand what power is to say that. :)