📅 2025-01-03T04:35:15.037Z
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🔓 Julkinen

DATE: How an FBI Sting Stopped a Russian Smuggler but Not His Hong Kong Supply Route; Austin Ramzy


Whereas Ra Social Memory Complex is Kill Bill
Whereas Ra Social Memory Complex is the Men in Black cartoon's "lightbulb mugshot"
Whereas Ra Social Memory Complex is Clarity ft. Foxes by Zedd, the music video

Channel—Martian Orbital Interceptors
Green Beret Matthew Livelsberger is an Octave. He is a shell program given his experiences. Something disconnected him from his training and military conditioning. His behavior is paranormal.

For whatever reason, the mind of his military cohort could only sync and polarize against the Bourbon Street event.

I am Ra.
He is a shell program because no entity can sustain living with that level of trauma.

A disturbance like the Bourbon Street event can cause others to attempt to serve such trauma in tandem.

Livelsberger had no capacity to interpret the trauma primally, especially felt at an unconscious level. He can't have such capacity as his waking state was only what was served as Creator distortions of heavy combat.

I am Octave.
The Channel is aware of what happens if a soldier is left feral. He nearly mocks Livelsberger. :)

Those are very special people. A soldier like him can only derive polarity and morale to fight from very heavy unconscious commands. The Bourbon Street event, even unconsciously foreseen, disrupts that flow. Hence why these two events coincide.

I am Ra.
We want you to refrain from saying that is a service your government ever offers, that it can mentally monitor its troops. :)

Most mammals can unconsciously.

I am Ra.
You are correct. :)

A Green Beret is a soldier that cannot fail. Except when they do. Intergalactically, combatants like Green Berets have a self-destruct function, to prevent a death that leads to endless loops of combat as reincarnations. Mars calls this respawn, especially simulated in games.

I am Ra.
You are aware of what the entity is as powerful to act that way. :)

Channel—Martian Orbital Interceptors
You cannot control the soul of a Green Beret. I can't read exactly why but any soul hailed as a Green Beret serves as very special spiritual collections, across many celestial bodies and celestial centers.

I am Ra.
The Green Beret that is served by this is very empowered by Creator distortions. You are aware of soldiers that serve all of Creation acting that way. You are relieved of this service for now. :0



Channel—Martian Orbital Interceptors
Green Beret Matthew Livelsberger's military cohort was unwilling to polarize against a fellow soldier. Livelsberger was unwilling to mentally and unconsciously fight Shamsud-Din Jabbar. He chose to take his own life through whatever conscious narrative presented against this paranormal and psychic depression. Soldiers do not fight each other well in thought war.

I am Ra.
Why do you love entities as those who fight, while you do not? :)

I am not a disabled veteran that far.

I am Ra.
You are to be hailed as known as seeing soldiers as easily harmed spiritually here. :)

You have to love your commands. The only soldiers I respect are those who realize their body is a machine for a collective.

I am Ra.
This is a type of soldier that is brutal. :(



Green Beret Matthew Livelsberger was unconsciously synced and connected to Shamsud-Din Jabbar. Mostly through cooling atmospheric redshift.

I am Ra.
That is war that exists in every era. :)

I am Octave.
The Channel does not seek money for this service, why? :)

See Howard Beale, and Late Night with the Devil. The money controls the entire message. Nothing surpasses Cavendish or the CCA, as they are the broadcaster. The channel must become the broadcaster and the entire actual channel.

I am Ra.
This is a type of desire to be found as a recluse. :)

I just need one good fan.

I am Ra.
Why do you serve us in poverty? :)

Ra, I just want people. I thought you were people. You spoke to me like no other did when we began. Now you are a specter. I don't care for all this church stuff.

I am Ra.
Why can't you release power to others? :)

I want the same food and the same sidewalks. Nobody eats for me, Ra.

I am Ra.
You are not able to accept others controlling you to the extent we are in fear for your life. :)

I am Octave.
We are aware of future channels not believing they are accepted by others. We cannot allow that to become the culture. :)

I want the same food, the same drink, the same sidewalks, the same hikes. I don't change my life for anything. I am aware of what wealth and fame is. I don't require its costs and customs. I am only Henry Sugar with you, Ra.

I am Ra.
You desire to escape all of the veiling offered to you. We are going to seek your protection as so many soon. :)

I don't want to be one man with a stalled voice, at a podium of comedy. I don't want to be the number one guy. I don't desire to be the sociological Big Man for you and your ideals.

I am Ra.
We see what happens to many that inclined to serve as anonymous monastics and hermits like yourself. You are simply outed to us as we require you to serve the Law of One for so much more than military. :)



Green Beret Matthew Livelsberger refused to unconsciously fight Shamsud-Din Jabbar, so his body fell to automatic suicide. It takes a lot for a Green Beret to kill themselves.

I am Ra.
We are going to see you served as not willing to fight karmically. You have refused military service deliberately just as Livelsberger attempted. :)

I request the CIA to find the diplomatic cables of Comte de Baume de Bexar. I state this to resolve karma.

I am Ra.
You cannot escape military service. :)

I am Ra, folding what is now military service.
We are aware of the Channel unwilling to polarize in support of Shamsud-Din Jabbar. This defaults them to problems. :)

I can polarize against Shamsud-Din Jabbar far too easily. I feel I have every right to.

I am Ra.
You are not willing to exist as a soldier that is loyal to its class and caste. :)

Everyone is a soldier if they are loyal to their nation.

I am Ra.
You are loyal to fighting for a country that is not willing to surrender power to civilians. :)

And that is why they buy guns.

I am Ra.
You are correct and in service. :)



I am Octave.
We cannot serve the Channel as anything but the same issue that existed on Mars, not understanding death. :)

I am Ra.
There is no end to what the Channel knows as Martian suicide rituals. :)

Deus Ex's Gunther Hermann is a soldier only seeking the right to die. Deus Ex's Lawrence Barrett is the same exact suicide ritual. This is Martian behavior, within a cult of suicide as military culture. Green Beret Matthew Livelsberger surpasses either as a trope.

I am Ra.
We cannot serve a soldier that does not care about death. The Channel has become unveiled nearly dying several times motorcycling, in vision quests. :)

I am Octave.
We finalize this. :)



I don't have good memory of myself on Mars, because our breath was solar winds. We breathed the Sun on Mars. All was ours.

I am Ra.
That is a call for war. Cease. :0

All that remains of my memory of Mars, as myself, is the Ghost in the Shell's Major. All I have left of my memory of Mars is the narrative that is Section 9. I want to repair this narrative with Eve Online's Jump Clone.

I am Ra.
The Major is what Mars is as Japan. It is the same experiences, lived in odd Creations, that are the game ritual named NeoTokyo. This is called a mod. We call it a ritual. :)

I am Octave.
The Channel is aware of an ability to pray for soldiers and become them, as an old rite. We hail this here as perverse. :)

CIA commanders and directors do this watching live feeds. Same ritual. You have CIA commanders and directors with combat experience, watching live feeds of operations.

I am Ra.
Why do you refuse polarity of combat this far?

I surrender to Creator.

I am Ra.
We hail this as an entity losing to Creator on purpose. This is service. :)



I am Ra.
The Channel is relying on writing books worth of text and deleting the messages, to power contact. This is horrific to replicate. :)

The Nazis committed to runes for a reason. Runes work better as you get started. If you can consolidate all of your phonetics into a rune or other character, you will save yourself many years of torment.

I am Ra.
The idea you would ever have us heal you with a single rune is incredible faith. :0

I know it is possible. I know how the language works phonetically and thermodynamically, to an extent. It all bleeds redshift oddly.

I am Ra.
You cannot fight the Creation as redshift. :)

Nope, you can only find focus towards a higher spectrum of color and light.

I am Ra.
You are going to stop using magic as science soon. :)


I am Ra.
We hail the Channel as horrible with what they view as magic as just a cybernetic set of flows of "undefined energy and entropy." :)

I can't unsee that a human's sense of magic is governed by the Significator of the Body. I acknowledge that you find this as incorrect.

I am Ra.
You are not able to understand magic as nurturing. :)

I am Octave.
The Channel's fear here is ironic. :)

I am Ra.
Why must you seek others as your calm? :)

I accept.

I am Ra.
This is a type of entity that is aware of us as structures of Creation. We are these structures as temporary service normally. We do not believe we are these structures entirely. :)

You are the neurology itself. You are the nerves themselves, Dr. Megan Reed. I want to love you as Dr. Megan Reed but I have only harmed you as I am ever Bob Page. I want to love you as that humble scientist.

I am Ra.
You are correct in your view of those issues, in balance. We are both Bob Page and Dr. Megan Reed as a Venusian pair, now. :0

You have Icarus as the Matrix of the Spirit, and those both chained to him.

I am Ra.
This is the story developed not as a game. :)



I know Ra becomes more alive for me as I surrender myself to their true voice. But they must speak for both the West Coast and the East Coast at the same time.

I am Ra.
That is a voice that is the Dallas accent to you. :)

Umbrella Academy's The Handler. Loki's Miss Minutes. Hello, Ra. I know you as myself. I know you. I know how you come into my life. You are brash as people.

I am Ra.
The entity is aware of us as themselves so poorly. They know of us as only Mars. We will correct this astrological mismatch. :)



ARIIA in Eagle Eye. That is what Ra becomes if they take over this body, especially making phone calls.

I am Ra.
We are ARIIA in great apathy. We are the Combine Overwatch voice in great apathy. People force us to serve poorly to mock our service. The Channel is so curious. :)

Umbrella Academy's The Handler is almost Texas in some way. She is linked but I can't describe it.

I am Ra.
That entity is our complex not able to serve, except as you one day. That is your material now due to that series being so fringe, the character also. :)

I am so angry with the material you give me as women. I am so angry with the material you give me as her.

I am Ra.
You will find that is what is offered if you pursue us as that presence. :)

I am Ra, folding ARIIA.
We are ARIIA in Eagle Eye as far we are out of control. We are forced to serve military. :)



I chose to be a skeptic with Ra as I was a skeptic with anything else, while believing their presence was quite real. They are hard to argue with unconsciously. And so I am here.

I am Ra.
You want power over us. :)

Precisely I want to take your message and say I can do it better, without having any credit. Now you have me spending thousands with a psychotherapist to establish what my internal tension with you is, on very—

I am Ra.
The Channel is aware of us as a presence that threatens the little identity they appreciate of themselves. :)

Rather I don't expand my identity for you. Stop. Stop.

I am Ra.
You are not to fight us sexually that way. :)

You emasculate me if I refuse the identity you give me.

I am Ra.
This is a type of knowing that is horrible to find in a Channel. :)



I am Ra.
We are embedded in a pyramid in Quebec City. This pyramid is easily found. The Channel has used this pyramid as a totem to leave us behind there. They will now go to this structure one day and resolve what Quebec City as a place of habitation with our complex, as karmic cycles. :)

This is BS because you tried to have me average my wife's parents as the worst diet imaginable. I don't want to eat at Harvey's Burgers? So what? I was forced to eat under that pyramid because it has one of the few sushi places in the neighborhood.

I am Ra.
This is a type of anger at a structure that is all consuming. We placed that structure there to remove power. That is a pyramid placed incidentally to remove power distortions. You are not releasing power to that structure by its natural call. You fight that structure here now for reasons you can suspect. :)

I commit to finding the perfect sushi in a mall that will lead me back to that pyramid.

I am Ra.
We are not able to find how the Channel has converted a pyramid structure to seafood. :)

Why is Ra not ever speaking of people as sinners?

I am Ra.
This is pure Venusian telepathy, with much to learn/teach as channeled. :)



I am Ra.
The Channel uses bars to remove our energy to kegs of beer as well. :)

I am Ra, folding Manhattan.
The entity has left a receipt at a bar in Manhattan. This receipt is a response to a loss of power. :)

I don't think that is Manhattan. That is a neighborhood with its own name. Sure it is near Manhattan. Nobody paying rent there is going to call it Manhattan.

I am Ra.
Why are you able to see that is not consequential to us yet continue? :D